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Liver cirrhosis is a very common chronic disease and one of the leading causes of death in European. Moreover, cirrhosis has a marked impact in patients quality of life and represents a major burden for health systems. Treatment of cirrhosis is currently based on symptomatic management of complications and has not changed substantially in the last 20 years. There is an unmet need for therapies tha ...
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ImpleMentAll will develop, apply, and evaluate tailored implementation strategies in the context of on-going eHealth implementation initiatives in the EU and beyond. Common mental health disorders account for an alarming proportion of the global burden of disease. Being regarded as an evidence-based psychotherapeutic eHealth intervention, Internet-based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (iCBT), has th ...
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inteGRIDy aims to integrate cutting-edge technologies, solutions and mechanisms in a scalable Cross-Functional Platform connecting energy networks with diverse stakeholders, facilitating optimal and dynamic operation of the Distribution Grid (DG), fostering the stability and coordination of distributed energy resources and enabling collaborative storage schemes within an increasing share of renewa ...
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Environmental heating is a growing challenge for our community and problems are already experienced by millions of Europeans during the summertime and aggravated during heat waves or occupational settings. In addition to the well-known health risks related to severe heat stress, a number of studies have confirmed significant loss of productivity due to hyperthermia. Even if countries adopt the EU ...
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A well-functioning locomotor system is essential for human well-being. This is an important consideration in our aging population with the increased associated costs of ensuring high quality of life. Many people suffer from diseases of the locomotor system, such as bone defects or osteoarthritis, for which current treatments are insufficient. To develop new treatments, CarBon includes 6 academic p ...
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Children’s Liver Tumour European Research Network (ChiLTERN)

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2020,

Liver cancer in the paediatric population is rare with an incidence approximately 1-1.5 per million population. The commonest tumour seen in the childhood population is hepatoblastoma (HB), usually seen in young children and infants. Much rarer (about 10% of paediatric liver cancers) is hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), usually seen in the teenage population and sometimes associated with underlying ...
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Breast, colorectal and cervical cancer cause 250,000 deaths each year, representing 20% of EU-cancer mortality. Although important progress has been made in both detection and treatment, there is persisting inequity in progress to reduce its burden. Screening programmes vary substantially between countries and in most long-term effectiveness of screening has not yet been assessed. The objective of ...
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ACTIVAGE is a European Multi Centric Large Scale Pilot on Smart Living Environments. The main objective is to build the first European IoT ecosystem across 9 Deployment Sites (DS) in seven European countries, reusing and scaling up underlying open and proprietary IoT platforms, technologies and standards, and integrating new interfaces needed to provide interoperability across these heterogeneous ...
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Every year, 1.3 million Europeans have a stroke and one million ultimately die of stroke. One third of stroke patients remain dependent on the help of others. The annual costs for stroke care in Europe are estimated at € 64.1 billion. Stroke incidence increases almost exponentially with age, and the personal, societal, and economic burden of stroke is therefore largely driven by its frequent occur ...
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MAGIC Post Stroke Project Team has united members from across Europe, dedicated to enable significant change in the delivery of health & social care (H&SC) services for patients post stroke. The consortium has recognised a significant gap in care associated with the recovery of such patients & we need a new way of meeting the needs of 508,000 new post stroke EU citizens/ year. Demographic changes ...
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Patients with cardiovascular risk factors, e.g. hypertension and obesity are at risk of developing heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF), a highly prevalent disease in the elderly, mostly women population. There is currently no specific, defined treatment for HFpEF, beyond control of risk factors. Activation of cardiac and vascular Beta3-adrenergic receptors (B3AR) represents a ne ...
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Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is a major cause of death and disability, leading to great personal suffering to victim and relatives, as well as huge direct and indirect costs to society. Strong ethical, medical, social and health economic reasons therefore exist for improving treatment. The CENTER-TBI project will collect a prospective, contemporary, highly granular, observational dataset of 5400 p ...
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INTCATCH will instigate a paradigm shift in the monitoring and management of surface water quality that is fit for global waters in the period 2020-2050. INTCATCH will do this by developing efficient, user-friendly water monitoring strategies and systems based on innovative technologies that will provide real time data for important parameters, moving towards SMART Rivers. The business model will ...
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Background In Europe, there is a general lack of knowledge about the diverse functions of soils, and in particular about the best available measures for their improvement and conservation. In the specific case of vineyards, which have both economic and landscape value in Europe, there are several soil management problems that are often not adequately addr ...
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Grasslands are vitally important for European agriculture. The 20 partners of Inno4Grass gather farmers’ organisations, extension services, education and research in eight countries (Germany, Belgium, France, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland & Sweden) where grasslands contribute a major share of the agricultural area. The overall objective of the project is to bridge the gap between practic ...
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Our proposal encompasses parallel clinical trials addressing the feasibility and the effectiveness of donor-derived regulatory T cells (Treg) as a therapeutic agent in the treatment and prevention of tissue and organ damage resulting from graft versus host disease (GVHD) after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT).We propose a collaborative clinical study in which Treg therapy for GHVD is ...
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Major depressive disorder, dementia, anxiety disorders, and substance abuse affect a substantial part of the European older population. Over 70% of Europeans reside in cities, and this percentage will increase in the next decades. Urbanization and ageing have enormous implications for public mental health. Cities pose major challenges for older citizens, but also offer opportunities for the design ...
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Background Spring systems provide environmental stability and help combat climate change threats. The Padano-Veneta plain represents a unique environment at the European level, due to its rich spring systems. Water rivers and channels are considered as a ‘blue infrastructure’ that can provide ecosystem services aimed at both preserving biodiversity an ...
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DREEAM aims to demonstrate replicable Net Zero Energy residential building renovation approaches achieving 75% total Net Energy Demand reduction- an improvement of 60% to state of the art market practices. It will utilise packages of interconnected energy systems that achieve a balance between energy efficiency and renewable energy measures. This is enabled by enhancing renewable technologies capa ...
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Colorectal cancer (CRC) is increasingly being recognized as a heterogeneous disease with distinct molecular subtypes. These subtypes have different biological processes at the basis of their disease and consequently their prognosis and responses to therapy are also different.We have previously developed molecular diagnostic assays using a single platform on routine FFPE tumour biopsies. These assa ...
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Background The Cornia River (Val di Cornia) is one of the three main hydrographic systems of the region’s water basin, part of the Northern Apennines river basin district. Due to an intensive civil and agricultural use of local water resources, the lower part of the river’s alluvial plain is characterised by a severe quantitative hydrological imbalanc ...
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Below 10

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

"Below 10" is a three-year project promoted by a Partnership of nine Organisations in six different EU countries. The Partners comprise schools and school networks, NGOs, and University research centers. It aims to address the challenge of early school leaving (ESL) by focusing on an approach aimed at the prevention, through new pedagogical strategies for co - operation and strategic planning bet ...
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Ageing is the major risk factor for idiopathic PARKINSON'S DISEASE (PD), the first motor neurodegenerative disorder (in EU 1% in 65+; about 4% in 80+). The most recent conceptualizations of ageing and PD indicate that they share basic mechanisms, e.g. accumulation of senescent cells and propagation phenomena such as inflammaging mirrored in PD by neuro-inflammaging in brain that foster a prion-lik ...
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ProACT targets Europe’s 50 million multimorbid patients to proactively self-manage and offset the EU’s annual €700billion cost of chronic disease management. ProACT aims at providing and evaluating an open application programming interface to integrate a variety of new and existing technologies to advance ‘home based’ integrated care (IC). Cloud based data analytics will determine correlations bet ...
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Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease characterised by high blood glucose due to inadequate insulin production and/or insulin resistance which affects 382 million people worldwide. Pancreatic islet transplantation is an extremely promising cure for insulin-sensitive diabetes mellitus (ISDM), but side effects of lifelong systemic immunosuppressive therapy, short supply of donor islets and their po ...
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Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) cause over 4 million deaths in Europe each year and mass disability: within the coming decades the disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) estimate is expected to rise from a loss of 85 million DALYs in 1990 to a loss of 150 million DALYs globally in 2020. Moreover, patient numbers are expected to rise rapidly in the next decades, due to an ageing society such that th ...
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Novel Stromal Cell Therapy for Diabetic Kidney Disease (NEPHSTROM)

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Apr 30, 2019,

Type 2 diabetes will affect >500 million adults by 2040 and its secondary complications will generate enormous socioeconomic costs - in particular, diabetic kidney disease (DKD), which is already the most common cause of chronic kidney disease. DKD is associated with greatly increased mortality and frequently progresses to end stage renal failure. Pharmacotherapy, dialysis and transplantation repr ...
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"Cancers of the Head and Neck Region (HNC) are the 6th more deadly cancers worldwide: in Europe ~150.000 new cases are detected and ~70.000 patients die every year. The main reasons for high mortality are the fact that the majority of cases are diagnosed in advanced Stage and the intrinsic heterogeneity of such tumors. At present the only adopted treatment decision method is based on TNM (Tumor-ly ...
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65,000 aortic valve replacements (AVR) are performed in Europe each year to treat acquired and congenital aortic valve diseases. In affected patients, mortality without AVR is extremely high and 50 % die within 2 years. Current AVR options are, however, limited for young patients - especially female patients - and those unwilling to accept life-long medical anticoagulation with its inherent risks. ...
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EU Fruit Network (EUFRUIT)

Start date: Mar 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2019,

The European Fruit Network (EUFRUIT) includes 12 countries focussed on 4 thematic areas of critical for the competiveness and innovation potential of the European Fruit sector: i) new cultivar development and evaluation; ii) minimise residues on fruit and the environment; iii) optimising storage and fruit quality; iv) sustainable production systems. EUFRUIT will coordinate and support innovation t ...
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Background Construction is the single largest activity and industrial employer in Europe. In addition, the greatest energy saving potential lies in buildings. However, sustainability in the building sector must be assessed over the whole life cycle for all building components and materials. Housing has been identified as one of the three areas of consumpt ...
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MooDFOOD is a Multi-country cOllaborative project on the rOle of Diet, Food-related behaviour, and Obesity in the prevention of Depression. Depression is one of the most prevalent, severe and disabling disorders in the EU and places a heavy burden on individuals and families. A large proportion of the EU population is overweight which increases depression risk. Improving food-related behaviour and ...
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The TBVAC2020 proposal builds on the highly successful and long-standing collaborations in subsequent EC-FP5-, FP6- and FP7-funded TB vaccine and biomarker projects, but also brings in a large number of new key partners from excellent laboratories from Europe, USA, Asia, Africa and Australia, many of which are global leaders in the TB field. This was initiated by launching an open call for Express ...
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Eliciting Mucosal Immunity to Tuberculosis (EMI-TB)

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2018,

Tuberculosis (TB) is a global health problem, killing 1.5 million of people every year. The only currently available vaccine, Mycobacterium bovis BCG, is effective against severe childhood forms, but it demonstrates a variable efficacy against the pulmonary form of TB in adults. Many of these adult TB cases result from the reactivation of an initially controlled, latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis ...
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Lifestyle, disease and biology put older people at risk of functional decline, leading to falls, cognitive impairment, frailty, and negative consequences for quality of life. PreventIT will develop and test an ICT based mHealth System (iPAS) for the consumer market that 1) enables early identification of risk of age-related functional decline, and 2) engenders behavioural change in younger older a ...
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Together Old and Young: Practitioners Learning and Upscaling Skills

Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2018,

Population ageing in Europe will continue with accelerating pace in the next decades. This trend requires societal adaptations regarding education and training, work, family life and social protection. One such adaption is intergenerational learning (IGL), which brings people from different generations together, to share activities, learn and understand each other better. Together Old and Young P ...
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Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2018,

The “CÁDIZ European Youths” Project is fixed in a city particularly affected by unemployment and lack of opportunities, which concerns the way the youths face their immediate environment and therefore negative personal growth and professional development. In this regard, from the Cádiz City Council manage this project nowadays supporting the educational centers of the city in the mobility and ...
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Important progress has been made in the field of HPV-disease prevention with the development and implementation of HPV vaccines and HPV DNA screening. In the CoheaHr project, the (cost-) effectiveness of different European preventive strategies will be compared. The goal is to build a reliable and comparable evidence base on the (cost-) effectiveness of these policies implemented under country-spe ...
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Improving digital health literacy in Europe (IC-Health)

Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2018,

Citizens' digital health literacy is an essential element for successful eHealth deployment. However, citizens often do not have the necessary skills to find, understand and appraise online health information and apply their knowledge to make health decisions. Digitally health literate citizens are empowered to play a more active role in their health self-management, resulting in improved preventi ...
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Care for Carers

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2018,

The Care for Carers (CfC) project will bring together 6 European Partners with specific expertise in training of carers or provision of care within the Dementia Care arena, either as VET organisations, Healthcare professionals or Enterprises within the healthcare education field. The partner countries are United Kingdom, Austria, Netherlands, Italy, Sweden and Turkey and provide a good geographic ...
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