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Conservation of biodiversity in the Municipality of Bressanvido (LIFE Risorgive)
Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2019 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background Spring systems provide environmental stability and help combat climate change threats. The Padano-Veneta plain represents a unique environment at the European level, due to its rich spring systems. Water rivers and channels are considered as a ‘blue infrastructure’ that can provide ecosystem services aimed at both preserving biodiversity and developing tourism and recreational activities. Objectives The overall project objectives of the LIFE Risorgive project are to restore and consolidate ‘green infrastructure’ such as a network of springs, irrigation ditches and canals in the territory of Bressanvido (Vicenza, Italy). This infrastructure is found in areas of high agricultural activity, mainly animal husbandry for milk production, in which it can significantly contrast the loss in biodiversity caused by the intensive exploitation of the territory. Expected results: Some 26 spring systems strengthened and stabilised in Vicenza middle-lowland (green infrastructure), which includes 43 springs and their watercourses flowing across the entire territory of Bressanvido municipality; Demonstration of the effectiveness of spring systems as infrastructure to achieve the objective of the Water Directive (2000/60/EC) that is preventing the deterioration of the quality and quantity of water bodies due to intensive farming; Demonstration of the possibility of involving private commercial entities (e.g. farmers and their associations, as well as reclamation consortia) and non-profit organisations (e.g. voluntary groups, game fishers’ associations) in the maintenance of spring systems; Raised awareness of citizens about the role of spring systems as green infrastructure for the improvement of the quality of life in rural areas; Promotion of an innovative management model of spring systems at the interregional scale, in all middle lowland areas. The project proposes a model that can be transferred to the entire spring zone, from the foothills of the Alps to Po Valley, from Friuli to Piedmont. The model can be replicated in other European areas with similar features; Active preservation of Natura 2000 habitats (SCI ‘Dueville Forest’ and nearby springs) and species of Community interest; and Strengthened ecosystem services supplied by spring water.
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3 Partners Participants