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33 European Projects Found

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Innovation for Sustainable Sheep and Goat Production in Europe (iSAGE)

Start date: Mar 1, 2016, End date: Feb 29, 2020,

iSAGE will enhance the sustainability, competitiveness and resilience of the European Sheep and Goat sectors through collaboration between industry and research. iSAGE have a powerful consortium with 18 industry representatives from various EU production systems and socio-economic contexts. The sheep and goat sector will be investigated because it is sensitive to general socio-economic, demographi ...
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In conditions of very low youth labor force participation and unappealing perspectives in employment upon graduation, universities lack capacity to equip their students with entrepreneurial skills. Lack of internships and other professional training opportunities during studies, among others, lead to discouragement, lack of motivation and inactivity among the youth. Large group of GE and KG youth ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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Autism is a life-long condition characterized by difficulties in social interaction, verbal and non-verbal communication, and also difficulties in flexibility in thinking and behavior. Autism Spectrum Disorders are diagnosed in at least 1% of the population, and it is estimated that 25-50% of individuals with autism also have intellectual disability/learning difficulties. No medical treatment is a ...
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This is a project for higher education student and staff mobility between Programme Countries and Partner Countries. Please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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Multiculturalism is beautiful!

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017,

Background of project is the situation in Europe and Finland. Lots of asylum seekers are escaping their home countries in order to find safer place in Europe. Because of this we have initiated our project, whose objectives are to make Finns to understand, how and why society is changing and migration growing. Also we must help migrants to integrate to local society.There will be 4 volunteers in ou ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017,

Τhe proposed project entitled "I DO 4-EU" concerns hosting of 4 volunteers from 2 different countries ,Italy and Turkey with the relevant partner organizations Association Futuro Digitale and Ataturk University.Italy and Turkey consist 2 countries which face refugees problem at the same period with same ways as Greece.The four volunteers come to offer their services to complement the already exis ...
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Integrating by street football - Integrare prin Fotbal Stradal

Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Mar 31, 2017,

The project “Integration Trough Street Football”, which will be realized in Iflov county and Bucharest, between 01.08.2015 - 31.03. 2017, is an ERASMUS+ – KA1 – EVS project which has as main themes: the integration of disadvantaged youngsters and Romani people in the community and the prevention of school dropout. The aim of the project is the increase of tolerance and understanding among youngst ...
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Youngs for Solidarity 9 / Dayanışma Mimarları 9

Start date: May 2, 2016, End date: Feb 1, 2017,

In extent of the EVS project 30 youngs that fewer oppourtinities will join EVS activities in 7 countries in EU by 11 hosting organisations. Each activity will last 30days with 2 volunteers as well. By the projectfollowing aims estamtedt:improved the level of key competences and skills of young people, including those with fewer opportunities, as well as to promote participation in democratic life ...
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Unity in Diversity

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

The project entitled 'Unity in Diversity' is a youth exchange involving a total of 56 youths from 6 different countries: Malta, Hungary, Turkey, Belgium, Ukraine and Armenia. These 56 individuals will consist of 7 young people with special needs and 35 youths with fewer opportunities who will come together at a camping site in Dwejra, Gozo, to implement this project. This project will also invo ...
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Dreams made Real 8 - Hayaller Gerçek Oluyor 8

Start date: Jan 2, 2016, End date: Oct 1, 2016,

In extent of the EVS project 30 youngs that fewer oppourtinities will join EVS activities in 7 countries in EU by 11 hosting organisations. Each activity will last 30days with 2 volunteers as well. By the projectfollowing aims estamtedt:improved the level of key competences and skills of young people, including those with fewer opportunities, as well as to promote participation in democratic life ...
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All Roads to EU 8 / Avrupa'da Buluşuyoruz

Start date: Jan 2, 2016, End date: Sep 1, 2016,

In extent of the EVS project 30 youngs that fewer oppourtinities will join EVS activities in 7 countries in EU by 11 hosting organisations. Each activity will last 30days with 2 volunteers as well. By the projectfollowing aims estamtedt:improved the level of key competences and skills of young people, including those with fewer opportunities, as well as to promote participation in democratic life ...
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Youngs for Solidarity 7/ Dayanışma Mimarları 7

Start date: Jul 1, 2015, End date: Apr 30, 2016,

In extent of the project young people with fewer opportunities have chance to participate in EVS in EU Countries. As seen in details the project has been carried out by 8 partners from Italy- Romania-Greece- Hungary- Turkey. The young people were active on the organisations activities relating to youth center- school / pupil work and office works. By the project they have improved level of the ski ...
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Angels in Action 7 / Melekler İş Başında 7

Start date: Jul 1, 2015, End date: Apr 30, 2016,

In extent of the project young people with fewer opportunities have chance to participate in EVS in EU Countries. As seen in details the project has been carried out by 8 partners from Italy- Romania-Greece- Hungary- Turkey. The young people were active on the organisations activities relating to youth center- school / pupil work and office works. By the project they have improved level of the ski ...
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An Option to Life :EVS 6 / Bir Yaşam Tercihi: EVS 6

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

In our projects will cary out genarally on youth center , school and enviroment. Our projects intent to support volunteering feeling among volunteers inter cultural dialog and to gain . Our volunteers 30 pax and they will short evs thats why they are fewer oppourtinies young. eu citisen sense in 2011 HU-17 The volunteers have to organise leisure time activities for the target groups.In 2011 IT ...
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Youngs for Solidarity 6 / Dayanışma Mimarları 6

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

In our projects will cary out genarally on youth center , school and enviroment. Our projects intent to support volunteering feeling among volunteers inter cultural dialog and to gain . Our volunteers 30 pax and they will short evs thats why they are fewer oppourtinies young. eu citisen sense in 2011 HU-17 The volunteers have to organise leisure time activities for the target groups.In 2011 IT ...
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Angels in Action 6 / Melekler İş Başında 6

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

In our projects will cary out genarally on youth center , school and enviroment. Our projects intent to support volunteering feeling among volunteers inter cultural dialog and to gain . Our volunteers 30 pax and they will short evs thats why they are fewer oppourtinies young. eu citisen sense in 2011 HU-17 The volunteers have to organise leisure time activities for the target groups.In 2011 IT ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

We have been allocated budget nearly for 70 student mobility for studies, 10 student mobility for traineeship and 18 staff mobility budget. The total amount of grant that we received is almost 175000 Euro for individual support. This year as Atatürk University we have changed our language assessment policy and we applied a language test which is a placement test that tests different skills of the ...
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Youngs fro Solidarity / Dayanışma Mimarları 5

Start date: Jul 16, 2014, End date: Sep 15, 2015,

In our projects will cary out genarally on youth center , school and enviroment. Our projects intent to support volunteering feeling among volunteers inter cultural dialog and to gain . Our volunteers 30 pax and they will short evs thats why they are fewer oppourtinies young. eu citisen sense in 2011 HU-17 The volunteers have to organise leisure time activities for the target groups.In 2011 IT ...
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An Option to Life : EVS Bir Yaşam Tercihi 5

Start date: Jul 16, 2014, End date: Sep 15, 2015,

In our projects will cary out genarally on youth center , school and enviroment. Our projects intent to support volunteering feeling among volunteers inter cultural dialog and to gain . Our volunteers 30 pax and they will short evs thats why they are fewer oppourtinies young. eu citisen sense in 2011 HU-17 The volunteers have to organise leisure time activities for the target groups.In 2011 IT ...
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Angels in Action 4 / Melekler İş Başında 4

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: May 15, 2015,

In our projects will cary out genarally on youth center , school and enviroment. Our projects intent to support volunteering feeling among volunteers inter cultural dialog and to gain . Our volunteers 30 pax and they will short evs thats why they are fewer oppourtinies young. eu citisen sense in 2011 HU-17 The volunteers have to organise leisure time activities for the target groups.In 2011 IT ...
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An Option to Life EVS 4 / Bir yaşam Tercihi EVS 4

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Apr 15, 2015,

In our projects will cary out genarally on youth center , school and enviroment. Our projects intent to support volunteering feeling among volunteers inter cultural dialog and to gain . Our volunteers 30 pax and they will short evs thats why they are fewer oppourtinies young. eu citisen sense in 2011 HU-17 The volunteers have to organise leisure time activities for the target groups.In 2011 IT ...
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Youngs for Solidarity 4 / Dayanışma Mimarları 4

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Mar 31, 2015,

In our projects will cary out genarally on youth center , school and enviroment. Our projects intent to support volunteering feeling among volunteers inter cultural dialog and to gain . Our volunteers 30 pax and they will short evs thats why they are fewer oppourtinies young. eu citisen sense in 2011 HU-17 The volunteers have to organise leisure time activities for the target groups.In 2011 IT ...
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Animal WelfAre Research in an enlarged Europe (AWARE)

Start date: Mar 1, 2011, End date: Feb 28, 2014,

"The goal of AWARE is to promote integration and increase the impact of European research on farm animal welfare (FAW). It will do so through the development of Europe-wide networks of scientists, lecturers and students, and by establishing a network of stakeholders active in FAW knowledge transfer and implementation. AWARE actions will be organised in 3 mutually supportive Work Packages (WPs). WP ...
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b-Amino-a-hydroxy acids are both very important and very powerful intermediates as drug and drugs candidates. b-amino-a-hydroxy acids are the constituent of several natural products which possess biological activity. We describe a new method for the synthesis of the amino acids. The uniqueness of our strategy allow us to modify the functional groups, such as ester, hydroxyl, and carbonyl.We start ...
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In 2007-MT-1 two Turkish volunteers totally will participate in this project lasting 2 months in Malta . They will be volunteer on interesting in particulary “CATS”.The aims of the project for the volunteers are to mingle the volunuters with Maltese European counterpart; In Musical instruments laboratory 2007-GR-15 project the volunteers will participate actively in the building and reconstruction ...
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In 2010-MT-1 two Turkish volunteers totally will participate in this project lasting 1 months in Malta . They will be volunteer on interesting in particulary “CATS”.The aims of the project for the volunteers are to mingle the volunuters with Maltese European counterpart; In 2010-PL-35 volunteers will help with non-formal language conversations after school in English or in the volunteer's mother t ...
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Dank technisch ausgereifter und kostengünstiger Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten via Internet eröffnen Sprachpartnerschaften neue Möglichkeiten des Fremdsprachenerwerbs. Als nachteilig erwies sich bisher bei dieser Lernform jedoch das Fehlen einer Systematik und didaktischen Professionalität. Das Konsortium mit 22 Partnern richtet eine Tandem-Partnerbörse ein und erstellt Themenblätter in der Form, da ...
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EDYN offers a tailor made PR and Social Media Training for EDYN members and area-related organizations. The shift to the Internet for news and information has changed the practice of public relations and marketing. Social media and the development of social media skills across the organizations, has become essential. Apart from giving and gaining practical and useful knowledge about PR as such, th ...
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Democracy. Democracy. Creativity

Start date: Sep 1, 2010,

The project ‘Democracy. Democracy. Creativity’ is a new way of approaching issues that focus on youth opportunities regarding active participation into democratic decision making process. With the goals to ensure successful youth participation developments in Latvia and other European countries, the project aims to implement significant methodology changes into development of democratic values tha ...
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Discrepancies between education, training programs and labour market´s requirements increase the risk of school failure in the vocational technical school from milling and bakery sector because the iVET students have restricted opportunities. While the EU objective for reducing the early school leave rate is 10%, all the partners from this project are dealing with higher rates, Spain 26,5%, Turkey ...
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The “Use of Simulation: An Educational Strategy to Develop Clinically Competent Nurses- US:ESDCCN” project aims at facilitating the transfer of a scenario-based simulation training experience in nursing education, providing a safe experiential learning environment. This project includes 7 partners from 3 different countries including Turkey, England and Italy. The project is divided into 7 work pa ...
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