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Youngs for Solidarity 4 / Dayanışma Mimarları 4
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Mar 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In our projects will cary out genarally on youth center , school and enviroment. Our projects intent to support volunteering feeling among volunteers inter cultural dialog and to gain . Our volunteers 30 pax and they will short evs thats why they are fewer oppourtinies young. eu citisen sense in 2011 HU-17 The volunteers have to organise leisure time activities for the target groups.In 2011 IT 64 some typical activities for the volunteer will writing articles for the local newspapers or for our website and our newsletter,helping in creating advertisement for the activities and projects. In 2013-RO-70 getting information to write a book on the town of Arad, or creating a 2 In 2012-Ro-23 Making presentations in order to plan current activities and to communicate by their mother tongue with Romanian volunteers with whom they will get in touch with; Making street sports events with other Romanian leaders and volunteers to promote equal opportunities for all young people in Romania (in these activities will be involved and institutionalized youth and youth deprive.... In 2011-R0-82 work at a PC within the youth information office and reply to emails received and foreign volunteers attend as a trainee at the animator trainings that our organization holds monthly within the Club In 2012 RO-85they work in office and help youth activities In 2011-GR-21 the volunteer will join nature activities like cleaning public beach and plant roads etc.

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