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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

We have been allocated budget nearly for 70 student mobility for studies, 10 student mobility for traineeship and 18 staff mobility budget. The total amount of grant that we received is almost 175000 Euro for individual support. This year as Atatürk University we have changed our language assessment policy and we applied a language test which is a placement test that tests different skills of the students and provides us their level in an effective way and gives real level of the students by using European Language Portfolio. Unfortunately according to this test result, few of our students provided B1 level. Because of this reason we could not send 70 students for study mobility. We were able to send 55 students for study mobility. In previous years we did not have many students who were interested in student placement mobility. This year we aimed to increase student placement mobility and made preparations especially for introduction of the traineeship mobility. In 2012 we sent 1 student for traineeship in 2014 we sent 7 students. As a result of our specific efforts to increase the traineeship mobility numbers we were able to send 30 students for traineeship. As we had been granted only for 10 students we transferred 23387 Euros of the study mobility grant. For study mobility there should be agreement between universities for some of our departments having agreement is not very easy in such cases students of these departments cannot benefit from Erasmus Mobility however internship mobility provides opportunities to benefit from the mobility. We are very happy to introduce this mobility to our students and encourage them to take part in the activity. Unfortunately the grant for teaching and training mobility of staff has been decreased comparing to previous years. So we were very careful to use our budget effectively and aimed to give opportunities more staff. We limited the daily grant for five days for teaching staff mobility. 15 teaching staff received grant for teaching mobility. For training mobility we supported 7 motilities under Erasmus Staff training mobility. To make a general summary Comparing to previous years our language test policy reduced the number of the study mobility at first hand however now it is very well know by the students and staff that for the coming years the language test will be done according to European Language Portfolio. And this situation is one the most important points to increase the quality of the mobility. In addition to this students and staff are aware of the internship mobility which is very important to encourage the students whose department has not agreement. With the help some positive sides of the program we will be able to help more of our students to take part in Erasmus Mobility. We are also very interested in encouraging the staff who wants to take part in the mobility to so we are eager to accept all the valid applications and give them changes to benefit from Erasmus+ mobility program.
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