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Integrating by street football - Integrare prin Fotbal Stradal
Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Mar 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project “Integration Trough Street Football”, which will be realized in Iflov county and Bucharest, between 01.08.2015 - 31.03. 2017, is an ERASMUS+ – KA1 – EVS project which has as main themes: the integration of disadvantaged youngsters and Romani people in the community and the prevention of school dropout. The aim of the project is the increase of tolerance and understanding among youngsters of different ethnic groups. The acts of interacting with and knowing about different cultures and the fight against school dropout is made by attracting a number of minimum 400 youngsters in the educational establishments in Bucharest and Ilfov to come to activities of street football and intercultural nights realized by the volunteers and youngsters from the local community in Ilfov. The target group is made of: students, unemployed people, socially disadvantaged youngsters and youngsters of Romani youngsters, but also educational establishments and local administrations. The voluntary service is addressed to a number of 28 volunteers from TURKEY. The duration of the service is of 90 days/volunteer split into 4 services. The countries involved in the project are: Romania as hosting and coordinating organization and Turkey as sending organization. The volunteers will make their service by getting involved in creating street football events in schools and open spaces in the local community of Ilfov county and by realizing intercultural evenings where youngsters from the villages in Ilfov. The project is promoted through activities of street football which has different rules than regular football, namely the rules of fair-play, equal opportunities and integration; the results of the games are given by the way in which the team practices tolerance throughout the game. The activities of the project consist in: - practicing street football – this will realized in open spaces (parks, main streets, public squares), but also on school premises during the cold season; - the acquirement of new linguistic knowledge by the volunteers; throughout the project the Turkish volunteers and the Romani youngsters, but also Romanian youngsters which are on the verge of school dropout will participate together to Romanian classes once a week; - getting in touch with other cultures through cultural activities. Taking part in this will be the Turkish volunteers, youngsters of Romani ethnicity and Romanian youngsters who are on the verge of school dropout through the participation to classes of cultural education in which each ethnic group (Turkish, Romanian and Romani) will present its culture and traditions; - preparing and professionalizing the volunteers; - creating street events – street football and intercultural evenings which are to assure a large local impact. The dissemination of the project will be realized through social networks (facebook), press releases, informative material distributed to schools, city halls, the local community and youth NGOs. The target groups of the dissemination of the results are: - youngsters – as main beneficiaries, partners and continuators of the activities; - local educational and administrative establishments and the current and future partners of the projects that will follow; - the local organizations for active collaborations and information exchange in the area of sending and hosting EVS volunteers, both by the volunteers’ own organizations or by those belonging to local organizations with which the volunteers will get in contact. The evaluation of the project is thought on more levels based on its aims, as it follows: I. The evaluation of the volunteers and their activity before, during and after the EVS. The objectives will be measured at the level of the voluntary service. II. At the level of the local community: we shall analyze the interest that the members of the local communities show with respect to the events made during the project. III. At the level of the local administration establishments, there will be measured the degrees to which the targets of future collaboration and interest towards European projects have been reached. IV. At the level of the coordinating and implementing team of the projects we will follow: the indicators that show the progress at the level of the foreign volunteers and the Romanian volunteers, the adequacy of the methods in relation to the project, the impact of collaboration at the level of the partners and the future impact of this project for the organization.
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