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17 European Projects Found

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Biomethane Emilia-Romagna Regional system (BioMethER LIFE+)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Mar 31, 2018,

Background The transport sector accounts for 19.5% of total European Union greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (22.9% in Italy). Counter to the general EU trend, GHG emissions from transport have increased by 24% compared to 1990 levels, with road transport responsible for most of the rise. The replacement of fossil fuels with biofuels could be one way of chan ...
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..., the project activities implementation were assessed and the main financial issues to prepare the report 1 were discussed among partners. Component 2:. During the reporting period, partner nº 9, ASTER, as the partner in charge of the project logo and corporate image, has discussed, presented and organized the tender for this activity. The final logo was selected among three preselected options b ...
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Capability for the diffusion of innovative biodegradable solutions among producers of packaging and other plastic products is dependent on the expectations of end-user industries (food sector, retail, medical and health sector). As long as these players are not convinced of the economic and environmental benefits of introducing biodegradable packaging and half products in their production systems, ...
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Background A vast amount environmental data is currently collected across Europe, both at national and international level, generating valuable information for policy makers and citizens. However, much of this information is not readily comparable, posing a major obstacle to the development of well-informed environmental policies and strategies at Europea ...
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Mediterranean knowledge-based entrepreneurship development (MED-KED)

Start date: May 31, 2010, End date: May 30, 2013,

...g period, the project focused on the starting up of the two pilot actions -Improving access to funding- and -Internationalisation path for Creative Start-ups lead respectively by Barcelona Activa and Aster. Both pilots are participated by all project partners and foresee a local set of activities as well transnational activities. Startups and business projects have been selected to take part in ca ...
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Entrepreneurial Diversity (ENTREDI)

Start date: Dec 31, 2009, End date: Dec 30, 2011,

Entrepreneurial activities have quite an enormous impact for the economic performance of regions and the renewal of regional knowledge. Fostering entrepreneurship with (semi) public funding contributes to a more prosperous regional economy and can reduce the unemployment rate significantly. The experiences of the project partners as well as acknowledged studies show that entrepreneurial initiative ...
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Creative Growth

Start date: Sep 30, 2008, End date: Sep 29, 2011,

The Creative Growth project was initiated by the Östergötland region (SE) and is based on previous experiences and needs among the partners for successful cluster development of the creative sector.The aim of the project is to contribute to European competitiveness and accelerate regional economic growth through the development of the creative sector as a new business sector and influence policy d ...
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The project "EMBRACE" aims to design, develop and implement specific spatial development policies, initiatives and actions for the benefit of SMEs located in rural and undeveloped urban areas. Their access to Knowledge and the Information Society should be increased. "EMBRACE" intends to establish a pilot virtual network, available both online and offline, where SMEs can have access to a wide rang ...
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MAVITRA : The virtual work market in the Mediterranean Bassin (MAVITRA)

Start date: May 31, 2005, End date: Sep 29, 2007,

Le projet a pour but de favoriser et canaliser la mobilité des ouvriers dans le Bassin Méditerranéen, par une amélioration des services pour lemploi et par la création dun marché virtuel du travail. Cette stratégie doit avoir un impact positif afin de favoriser la rencontre entre loffre et la demande de travail, en diminuant le chômage de certaines zones et le manque de travail dans dautres, et en ...
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ACCELMED project is designed to capitalize MED-KED and MACC-BAM results, and improve SMEs' access to financing, support their internationalisation and help them to accelerate their growth through: - Organisation of 7 Transnational investment fora. These fora will capitalise the results of MED-KED and MACC-Bam projects as starting point. Three will be held in Barcelona, 1 in Marseille, 1 in Ljublja ...
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ENERGEIA tackles the topic of supporting entrepreneurship in the energy sector. Developing entrepreneurship out of research outputs and competences is a key action that will contribute to reach Europe2020 objectives - in terms of energy consumption from renewable sources and energy savings - direct impacts on EU economic development, wealth creation and employment. Data on the energy sector in Eur ...
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DOCtors in ENTterprise

Start date: Oct 1, 2009,

The Phd students placement in enterprise could be one of the way by which Europe could achieve the objectives regarding innovation, economic development and sustainable progress (EUA, 2007; UK Grad Programme, 2008; ERA, 2008). This project aims at enhancing the employability of Phd students in technical-scientific fields, through development, testing and exploitation of:• training modules for the ...
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The project will be organized in 3 main phases: 1. Planning and Sharing - In this phase, partners will meet and set the cooperation model, through master plans for the other 2 phases of the project. Partners will be organized by 3 different working groups (Business Model Networking Model and Institutional and territory Links). Inside these groups, the outputs will be analyzed and updated. This wil ...
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The overall aim of GIANT project is to apply local operational modality of technical and methodological connection between different subjects which offer actions / guidance services, with special attention to services directed at youth under 25 years.Activities to be undertaken during the project are: adaptation of the model before its transfer; the sharing of support tools to the transfer; applic ...
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The aim of the project is the introduction of a new figure in SMEs: the project will develop a training programme - as an e-learning material - for a SME enabler employee, who will have the new role to monitor the competence questions and competence development of the enterprise. The idea is to make the enabler a competent organiser of emloyee-led SME internal training. The material for a ten days ...
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The GIRC project aims at designing and experimenting a model of guidance services focused on European mobility in order to support local guidance services’ centres on this aspect. This model’s aim is to improve the access to vocational training, education and job at European level and by this way contributing to ameliorate quality of VET. As a first step, the project will focus its attention on th ...
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The FAIR project aims at reinforcing existing tools and processes for the development of lifelong education and training policy and further developing a series of indicators for the evaluation of different learning contexts (formal, non-formal and informal) specific to the Fair Trade sector. The project will further address the recognition of qualifications acquired in both formal and non-formal e ...
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