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Mediterranean knowledge-based entrepreneurship development (MED-KED)
Start date: May 31, 2010, End date: May 30, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Med-KED proposes to approach Knowledge Based Enterprises development in the MED area: a) defining a MED transnational strategy, b) testing joint pilot actions c) promoting their mainstreaming. The project will rely on partners` best knowledge and experiences and on the need to react to the present economic crisis, balancing the needs to invest in enterprise creation and development and to maintain jobs. Med-Ked will capitalize project outcomes setting up a stable Med-KED Transnational Network. Achievements: State of the art of project implementation since the project startMed-Ked, currently in its last semester of activity, aims at supporting knowledge based entrepreneurship. Formal and informal communication materials and working tools, useful both for partners and for the involvement of entrepreneurs, service providers and policy makers, were developed. Thanks to a common methodology, the Knowledge-Based Entrepreneurship (KBE) index of every participating region was analysed and benchmarked. This activities were carried out in parallel with exchanges of good practices and study visits. A Transnational Action plan together with Policy Recommendations are now available for Med stakeholders, and, at the local level, Regional Action Plans have been produced. The Med-Ked Network has been set up and now involves more than 150 stakeholders of the Mediterranean regions. Lastly, two pilot actions, dedicated to Access to Finance and Internationalisation for innovative and creative startups have been planned and are now being implemented by the consortium.Latest project activities and outputsDuring the present reporting period, the project focused on the starting up of the two pilot actions -Improving access to funding- and -Internationalisation path for Creative Start-ups lead respectively by Barcelona Activa and Aster. Both pilots are participated by all project partners and foresee a local set of activities as well transnational activities. Startups and business projects have been selected to take part in capacity building paths as well as in international events. A joint training session for business operators on the theme -How creative companies go global- has been organised in Bologna on 22nd February. The consortium also increased its efforts in communicating the project first results: a Capitalisation Plan has been delivered to support the project results diffusion, and presentations have been organised within huger events, as the Smart Cities Exhibition in Bologna, the Slovenian Day of Entrepreneurship and 8th International Cluster Forum in Sophia Antipolis.Next key steps for the projectThe next steps to be taken are mainly related to the project results diffusion, capitalization and to the pilot actions conclusion. Partners and pilots beneficiaries will attend the transnational activities related to the two pilot actions. The last month of the project (May 2012) will be dedicated to the reporting of the pilot activities (lesson learned, tools developed, results obtained), to their diffusion, and to the organisation of the final conference (Bologna 16/17 May), hosted by Aster.
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  • 76.9%   948 488,22
  • 2007 - 2013 Programme MED
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

4 Partners Participants