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FAIR – For a New Recognition of Skills Informally and Non-Formally Developed in the Fair Trade Sector

The FAIR project aims at reinforcing existing tools and processes for the development of lifelong education and training policy and further developing a series of indicators for the evaluation of different learning contexts (formal, non-formal and informal) specific to the Fair Trade sector. The project will further address the recognition of qualifications acquired in both formal and non-formal environments. Project partners will initially undertake an analysis relating to the state-of-the-art in the sector. Additional activities will include a series of interviews with relevant stakeholders; an analysis of current practice for the recognition and certification of skills (local, national and transnational level); the identification of appropriate methodologies and tools; an impact evaluation and a range of dissemination activities. The primary project output will comprise a Research Report, to be made available in both printed and electronic format. Project beneficiaries include existing employees in the fair trade sector (employees and volunteers), education and training bodies, public authorities and policy & decision makers in the field of employment and VET. Dissemination activities will rely upon the creation of a dedicated project website, the production of a project specific leaflet, the organisation of promotional events (seminars, workshops) and the release of articles to specialist press.

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16 Partners Participants