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Over 40 European Projects Found

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Smart Grid Technology - A Master Programme

Start date: Oct 15, 2016, End date: Oct 14, 2019,

The three-year SGT-MAP aims at development of a master program in smart grid technology through the collaboration between a consortium consists of 4 Eg. and 3 EU partners of different fields; Electrical power and control eng., IT eng., communication eng. All the consortium partners contribute in developing and reviewing program 24 courses. The self study report of the developed program will be pr ...
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Euro-African Network of excellence for entrepreneurship and innovation

Start date: Oct 15, 2016, End date: Oct 14, 2019,

The Euro-African Network of Excellence for Innovation and Entrepreneurship - INSTART – aims at improving the knowledge triangle by promoting an effective Innovation culture in Higher Education, and starting up Innovative modes of association and interaction between Universities, Businesses and Society in order to enhance the socio-economic environment across the South Mediterranean Region (MED).Th ...
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Teaching in Diversity

Start date: Dec 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2018,

Respect for and tolerance to diversity are fundamental European values. Nevertheless, the recent economic and financial crisis reinforced significantly the negative attitudes towards the „others“ that the increased mobility evoked after the EU Enlargement. Nowadays, the flow of refugees has fueled into the existing hostility towards people with different cultural background. Diversity has become a ...
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Productive land resources in Egypt are under multiple natural and human pressure that are leading to soil degradation and desertification. Agriculture land conservation is a high priority for Egypt. Several efforts have been undertaken by the government authorities of Egypt to reduce desertification processes and preserve land productivity but they have faced a wide range of obstacles, mostly rela ...
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The project explores the adoption of strategies and channels that embrace the principles of openness and reusability within the context of South-Mediterranean HEIs. The project intends to foster the adoption and pilot of open educational practices (OEP), and open educational resources (OER) in South-Mediterranean countries as a bottom-up approach to support the modernisation, accessibility and int ...
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International Diploma for School Teachers in STEM Education

Start date: Oct 15, 2015, End date: Oct 14, 2018,

This project aims at creating dual (university-school) integrated diploma for developing a new generation of STEM teachers in Egypt, who are capable to provide adequate and innovative teaching in Science, Technology, Math and Engineering-based subjects, embracing STEM philosophy and are capable to bridge the gap between current school education methodologies and those needed for future pre-univers ...
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Road traffic accidents are a growing health, social and economic problem in the partner countries Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon. Whereas EU countries, steadily and systematically reduced the numbers and severity of road accidents last decades, by implementing modern solutions and applications, the problems continue to grow in EG-JO-LB. Much of this existing knowledge, practices and know-how in EU can ...
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Smart Control Systems for Energy Management: New Master Degree

Start date: Oct 15, 2015, End date: Oct 14, 2018,

The Middle East countries are going through a period of change where governments are forced to address the need for greater access to economic opportunity. With a challenging economic environment and a growing social demand, governments believe that subsidy reform especially in energy and food might help reconcile social protection and secure fiscal positions. With almost $17 billion spending ever ...
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An IT-based, multi-disciplinary diploma accompanied with 4 professional certificate programs in clinical toxicology targeting both pharmacists, physicians (and nurses in the certificate programs) in a cross-cutting education discipline is at hand with a goal to introduce a new line of qualified professionals capable to manage, attend and deal with increasing threat of natural and synthetic poisons ...
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Start date: May 6, 2016, End date: Feb 5, 2018,

Our general goal we want to achieve with this project; ready meals which increased rapidly in recent years, especially among children and young people (fast food) and we would like to draw attention to how widespread nutrition. Seizes us increasingly fast food chain restaurants are threatening the future of Europe. We plan to break these chains and healthy food forward. It yitirmekt slowly borne f ...
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Host Spot

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2017,

The project Host Spot will be implemented by 10 different NGOs and/or organizations from 9 countries, member states of EU(DE, IT, IR, SP, HU) and partner countries of the Erasmus + Program( Egypt, Turkey, Jordan, Palestine). Freedom of expression, the free flow of information, and freedom and pluralism of the media have internationally been acknowledged as human rights. However, after the Arab S ...
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Alexandria Institute has gained a considerable experience in teaching the Greek language and culture to people living in Greece and to people who love Greece and want to learn or improve their Greek. It consists of qualified teachers, passionate with the Greek language and culture. We believe that there is a lack of educational material and of new techniques with the use of ICT in teaching Modern ...
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The scientific targets of the EUROSUNMED project are the development of new technologies in three energy field areas, namely photovoltaics (PV), concentrated solar power (CSP) and grid integration (GI), in strong collaboration with research institutes, universities and SMEs from Europe in the north side of the Mediterranean sea and from Morocco and Egypt from the south of the sea. The focus in PV ...
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The main aim of the Project is to contribute to the quality of the Euro-Mediterranean research area, with a particular focus on the bi-regional Euro-Mediterranean S&T cooperation, research & innovation, policy dialogue and cooperation monitoring. The proposal aims at tackling the key issues and policy objectives outlined in the Work Programme by creating a dialogue and coordination platform of gov ...
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Make technology your friend!

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

The project was developed with the intention to satisfy several needs identified in the school. Analysis undertaken in European Development Plan drew attention to the following measures; -to achieve an education focused on applying active creative-innovative methods and student-centered teaching strategies using and integrating ICT in teaching-learning-assessment, -to develop student-centered educ ...
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Emerging viral vector borne diseases (VMERGE)

Start date: Dec 1, 2013, End date: Nov 30, 2016,

The project intends to address the risk of emerging viral vector borne diseases in two main categories of arthropods known to transmit important animal and zoonotic diseases: mosquitoes (Aedes and Culex), and Culicoides biting midges. A research proposal targeting potential emerging viral disease risks related to these vectors will be carried out through original and integrated multidisciplinary a ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

KA 2 "THE GREEN SCHOOLS" PROJECT The 21st century has been called the "century of the environment." Schools-and individual citizens - can no longer assume that social challenges such as pollution, dwindling natural resources and climate change can be set aside for future generations. The Green schools Project is an European project designed to encourage and acknowledge whole school action for the ...
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French Language Immersion

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016,

- 4 teachers training in language and methodology to embed French into school, teachers have experience of almost 60 years between them. Staff range from 30 years teaching to probationary teacher. all have competence in French.- incorporate the teaching of French into the Curriculum for Excellencetake part in learning and teaching opportunities in France- disseminate new teaching strategies and ...
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Culture and Art for Youth Rights, Unity and Solidarity

Start date: Jan 15, 2015, End date: Jan 15, 2016,

The project CAYRUS " will be implemented by 11 youth NGOs from 8 countries, member states of EU(DE,IT, ES, PT, IR) and partner countries of the Erasmus + Program( will highlight the use of the arts to promote awareness and inspire creative activism on behalf of human rights .The program involves presenting examples of creative use of different media—film, photography, graphic novels, and music- ...
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Sustainable Mediterranean Old Towns (SMOT)

Start date: Dec 19, 2013, End date: Dec 28, 2015,

...e waste management in medinas, SMOT project will develop tailored solutions and specific models for five target areas located in Córdoba (Spain), Ragusa (Italy), Sfax (Tunisia), Al-Salt (Jordan) and Alexandria (Egypt). Specific objectives • To develop and test feasible waste management models in five selected old towns/medinas • To foster the transfer of the developed waste management models to hi ...
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The project in brief At Mediterranean level, tourism has often led many countries and regions to develop the industry in a competitive way rather than in a cooperative manner. For obvious climatic reasons but also due the role played by tour operators, Mediterranean tourism destinations have based their growth essentially on a sun and sea vision and developed strategies aimed at maximizing short t ...
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Project in brief Cooperation in the Textile and Clothing (T/C) sector is part of a wider macroeconomic context characterized by a strong industrial restructuring in Europe, the delocalization of the production in lower costs countries or fiscal friendly locations and by subcontracting agreements with Southern Mediterranean companies. This cooperation model, implemented to counteract the aggressive ...
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Green Energy for Green Companies (GR.ENE.CO)

Start date: Dec 17, 2013, End date: Dec 16, 2015,

Project in brief The problem of massive emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) from the burning of fossil fuels and related climatic impact have become major environmental, scientific and institutional issues worldwide. Long-term sustainability of the atmosphere requires a drastic decrease in CO2 emissions and an efficient energy strategy. Against growing energy consumption in the Mediterranean area, G ...
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Future of Our Past (F.O.P)

Start date: Dec 16, 2013, End date: Dec 15, 2015,

... that F.O.P project aims to address by means of a model focused on innovative tourism plans for cultural and environmental heritage. Some selected sites in Italy (Lazio, Basilicata, Campania), Egypt (Alexandria), Spain (Córdoba), Malta (La Valletta), Palestine (Bethlehem), Tunisia (Monastir) and Lebanon (Beirut), will thus become part of a cross-border network of historical centers in order to mut ...
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The project in briefThe rise in energy demand has aggravated the dependence on fossil fuels imports of most of the Mediterranean countries. With a forecasted increase by 70% in energy consumption over the next 20 years, there is an urgent need to secure alternative energy sources especially for buildings - commercial and residential - which share of total energy used is higher than 40%, i.e. super ...
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International Augmented MED (I AM)

Start date: Oct 19, 2012, End date: Oct 18, 2015,

The project in briefThe Mediterranean as a whole attracts around 30% of international arrivals and of tourism receipts. Increased international competition is nevertheless impacting the position of the Mediterranean region as a leading destination in the global market. Product diversification and innovative tourism services are key drivers to maintain and enhance the attractiveness of the Mediterr ...
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Management of Port areas in the MEDiterranean Sea Basin (MAPMED)

Start date: Aug 31, 2011, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

The Mediterranean Sea Basin has become one of the most popular destinations for ship and sailing cruises. Within this context, the MAPMED project addresses the issue of marine pollution in tourist port areas with a view to ensuring both tourism development and protection of natural resources. ...
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The potential of producing bio-fuel from microalgae has been recognized as an alternative to fossil fuels, especially under the form of liquid fuel (diesel, ethanol), which can be used in the transport sector. The use of microalgae as a biomass resource for production of biodiesel has drawn a lot of attention from researchers, governments and the private sector. To foster the development of microa ...
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...mizing consumption and minimizing the Non-Revenue Water (water not metered or billed to consumers) through the implementation of five pilot projects in the cities of Limassol (Cyprus), Genoa (Italy), Alexandria (Egypt), Tunis (Tunisia) and Aqaba (Jordan). ...
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African Food Tradition Revisited by Research (AFTER)

Start date: Sep 1, 2010, End date: Nov 30, 2014,

"AFTER aims to revisit traditional African products, knowledge and know-how in the light of new technologies for the benefit of consumers, producers and processors in Africa and Europe. By applying European science and technology to African traditional food products, AFTER seeks to turn research into quantifiable and innovative technologies and products that are commercially viable in both Europea ...
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The overall objective of this proposal is enhancing research cooperation on gender and science between the European Union and the Mediterranean countries.Research cooperation is aimed at better understand the roots of gender inequality in science in the area, taking into account cultural diversities and traditions, and analyse how the Mediterranean countries are addressing this issue. It will deal ...
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"The Coordinating Action (hereafter ""the project"") will establish an effective collaboration network among key role players in Mediterranean and Black Sea fisheries research and management. The participants in the project include national research institutes from Mediterranean and Black Sea countries with a long history and active participation in fisheries research and assessment, who provide a ...
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The CulMe-WeOnCT project focuses on the valorisation of the common historical and cultural heritage of 4 countries of the Eastern Mediterranean area (Greece, Italy, Egypt and Jordan) through the exploitation of new technologies, in a way ensuring the promotion of mutual understanding and dialogue. ...
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Mediterranean Neurosciences Network (N€UROMED)

Start date: Nov 15, 2009, End date: May 14, 2013,

"Europe and MPC possess a good potential of well trained researchers in the field of brain function and dysfunction in disease. However, neuroscience remains poorly represented in collaborative projects amongst the Mediterranean and European countries. Yet, as the MPC access to the status of developed economies, they face severe health burden of brain dysfunction in relation with developmental iss ...
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Objective of the project is to promote and develop communicative language skills in the tourism field in the Slavic languages (Bulgarian, Czech, Slovak and Slovenian), and to develop and disseminate a three-level lexically oriented learning model in various types of tourist activities, in order to preserve language diversity in the EU. Expected results include: Three-level handbook for creating or ...
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Overall Objectives are to contribute:- Promoting the modernisation of higher education;- Enhancing the quality and relevance of higher education;- Building up the capacity of higher education institutions, for mutual understanding between peoples and cultures, for international cooperation and for a permanent modernisation process, assisting them in opening themselves up to society and to the labo ...
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The SWING project will create sustainable policies in Universities to enable disabled students to have equal access to learning environments and programmes. Partners will collaborate in the development, selection, procurement and use of accessible IT and accessibility standards that will be available through the Accessibility Centres in Partner Countries (MA, EG). More specifically, the project ...
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There are many problems facing the LOT 2 countries but there is consensus amongst all that the problems must be solved by the countries themselves and a major tool is education. Strong international experiences are therefore important so these countries to see and experience different systems and adapt the best to their own situations. The potential for meaningful international cooperation is in ...
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UNetBA will enable and organize mobility of 234 Maghreb nationals (Unidergraduate, Master, Doctorate, post-Doc and staff) to EU universities and 20 European Post doctorates and Staff to universities. Each of the 13 Maghreb partner-universities will send to EU partner-universities undegraduate, masters, doctoral and post-doctoral students and staff members – academic/administrative. This mobility ...
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The main objective is to establish virtual reality academic system for Egyptian cultural heritage education and online virtual campus targeting students, archeologists, tourist guides and Egyptologists all over the world, achieved through following main tasks:1. Develop stereoscopic 3D virtual reality models for Egyptian surface and underwater sites covering the ancient Egyptian, Greco-Roman, Copt ...
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