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Development and implementation of decentralised solar-energy-related innovative technologies for public buildings, in the Mediterranean Basin countries (DIDSOLIT-PB)
Start date: Dec 12, 2012, End date: Dec 11, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project in briefThe rise in energy demand has aggravated the dependence on fossil fuels imports of most of the Mediterranean countries. With a forecasted increase by 70% in energy consumption over the next 20 years, there is an urgent need to secure alternative energy sources especially for buildings - commercial and residential - which share of total energy used is higher than 40%, i.e. superior to the industrial or transport sector.Within this complex energy scenario, DIDSOLIT-PB aims to implement small-scale solar systems for public premises including innovative solutions such as photovoltaic glass-substitute sheets, solar cooling or photovoltaic coverage of buildings roofs and car parks shady-covers. Technology transfer and design of dedicated financing instruments will also be addressed by the project. Specific objectiveTo promote and implement innovative technologies and know-how transfer of small-scale solar energy decentralised systems in public buildings/premises. Expected Results: • Improved knowledge of the status of development and market-availability of innovative small-scale solar power technologies for in-buildings applications • 10 solar power applications implemented in 10 selected public buildings • Increased solar power created (260 kWp) and produced (380 MWh) in the selected buildings • Enhanced interest of local private and public stakeholders for decentralised applications of innovative solar energy systems in public buildings and facilities • Innovative solar technologies, know-how and best practices transferred
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  • 4.1%   4 025 927,23
  • 2007 - 2013 Mediterranean Sea Basin ENPI CBC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

6 Partners Participants