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24 European Projects Found

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COmmunity Nurse Supporting Elderly iN a changing SOciety (CO.N.S.E.N.SO)

Start date: Dec 16, 2015, End date: Dec 15, 2018,

Description (EN): European population’s ageing challenges health and social services. Cooperation in several welfare sectors is required, since the demographic change involves both health and social issues. CO.N.S.E.N.SO project accepts the challenge by developing a care model that puts the elderly at the centre of health and social services. It builds on the pivotal role of the Fam ...
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Open Platform for Innovative SMEs (OPENISME)

Start date: Dec 1, 2014, End date: Nov 30, 2017,

In the face of current economic challenges SMEs are widely recognised as potential engines of growth that have the necessary attributes of agility, flexibility and technological innovation. It is also recognised that they find it exceptionally difficult to mobilise the resources needed to help them bring breakthroughs to market quickly, costing time and money and inhibiting economic growth. In par ...
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AVT - audio-video technician for live shows

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

CONTEXT The EU is recovering from a great crisis. 6 million young people are unemployed; but it is also true that 36% of entrepreneurs have difficulty finding people with the skills they need. In the Italian economic system there is one place where we can look forward confidence: the culture. "Culture and creativity" are two key words for the success of Made in Italy. A trend that began long ago a ...
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The political participation of young people in Europe has decreased in the recent decades. Youth people exhibit also in other civic competencies (political efficacy and political knowledge) less records/levels in comparison to other age groups. This implies that quality of democracy is diminishing because a social group participate less and also account less (than other groups) to the political au ...
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The self-description of European citizens as increasingly away of the European Union has been a constant in the recent years with special emphasis in Spain and Greece, two of the most affected countries by the economic crisis. This has been even more notorious in the group of youth people, a portion of the society very touched by high levels of unemployment. This project aims, through the executio ...
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Sustainable Enterprise and Leadership for Youth

Start date: Feb 1, 2015, End date: Feb 1, 2017,

BTF will share, test and adapt our innovative youth enterprise and leadership development methodology, The SLAM Model, with 5 other EU organisations. The SELFY project will transfer SLAM to new socio-cultural, economic & linguistic environments. This will see SLAM to be delivered on a wider scale, by organisations working with marginalised youth groups (rural, severely disabled, the disaffected - ...
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The lack of knowledge, skills or ability to manage innovation processes is still an issue for Armenian SMEs. The biggest EU Research and Innovation programme, the Horizon 2020 will give an opportunity to Armenian SMEs, those capable for growth and internationalization, to enhance their capacity to manage innovation process and will facilitate their cooperation with R&D partners and other relevant ...
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The TBridges project is aiming to promote the cooperation between Europe and Africa in the field of youth and explore the potential of youth work in order to increase the employability of the young people in the field of tourism which is one of the most promising industries both in Europe and in Africa. In order to promote this objective, TBridges is going to organise 1 transnational seminar, 2 ca ...
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European learning Innovation for Sustainable Training

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

The “European learning innovation for sustainable training” (ELIST) project aim at proving answers to two specific emerging needs in EU rural areas: a) the development and consolidation of entrepreneurial competences (knowledge, skills and attitude) in rural populations, aiming at creating new pathways for employment with non formal and informal learning activities; b) contribute to a positive im ...
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Social entrepreneurship development in Baltic Sea region

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

BACKGROUND: EUROPE 2020 states that growth has to be delivered through strong emphasis on job creation and poverty reduction. Social entrepreneurship (SE) is exactly new method to be used to overcome existing challenges as main aim of social entrepreneurship is to bring - positive impact of society. In the "Social economy and social entrepreneurship"' Social Europe Guide Volume 4 ( 2013) it is ...
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Eco-Oikos: Sustainable Options

Start date: Jan 2, 2015, End date: Sep 1, 2015,

Eco-Oikos: Sustainable Options' is a 10 days Training Course, where 27 youngsters and youth workers, from 9 countries, will have the opportunity to explore the idea of sustainable development. As planned by the EU's growth strategy for the coming decade "Europe 2020", the environmental issue is one of the global challenges which the EU is called upon to address, because the protection of the envi ...
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Young Entrepreneurs and Fundraising

Start date: Dec 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2015,

The project ""Young Entrepreneurs and Fundraising"" is in line with the European projects: ""Growing together"" (2013) and ""First Steps"" (2014), which was intended for young people / youth leaders and / or youth workers to address the youth unemployment and self-employment and entrepreneurship skills . The issue to be addressed in this project is fundraising. In Cabildo de Gran Canaria we believ ...
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Objective of the project The aim of the project is to create a youth tourism network consisting of colleges and higher education institutions in the Republic of Karelia and Northern Ostrobothnia in order to promote low cost, convenient, safe tourist services for international youth travel.Main activities• Creation of a web-based portal for centralized booking • In-service tr ...
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Northern Cross-Border Cultural experts

Start date: Dec 10, 2010, End date: Dec 9, 2013,

The overall objective: The project aims to create possibilities for, and support and increase, North Lapland – Murmansk cooperation in culture, education and business life and between people living in the programme area. Eventually in long-term broaden their perspective on cultural issues and sensibility. Encourage the local business life for cooperation with the educational institutions and local ...
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 FINISHED, national and EU level and also from Russia.The particular outcomes of the project:a) Establishment of the permanent network of the BSR universities dealing with innovation and R&D, the Baltic Sea Academyb) Establishing structured cooperation between SMEs, the network of SME promoters, the network of universities as R&D service providers and the public administration to promote development and ...
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Training course "Innovations in management of local volunteering services through European cooperation" isorganized in cooperation between Youth Cultural Center Bitola, SEEYN and 33 other partner organizations from24 Programme and SEE countries. Training will take place in Bitola, FYR Macedonia and it will last for 7 workingdays during November 2009. Training will gather 35 participants, mainly yo ...
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European VET trainers seem to lack specialised training to effectively train young offenders on acquiring entrepreneurship skills to start a new business as a sustainable professional path; while ex-offenders tend to face discrimination, social exclusion and limited professional options when attempting to re-enter the labour market after release from prison.FRESH START addresses these issues by tr ...
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The project partners aim at developing and establishing a wide transnational cooperation in the field of ecotourism, with work programmes concerned with education and training to the specific professional tasks and roles, and based on a common perception of the importance of a sector which generates approximately 7% of all international travel expenditure and is growing at an estimated 5% per annu ...
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This project aims at establishing a structured liaison between higher education institutions and enterprises for Research, Development and Innovation The specific objectives are: "The establishment of a structured liaison between higher education institutions and enterprises with the support of the state authoritiesThe dissemination of European regional experience studies and preparation of docum ...
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The recent economic crisis is unprecedented in our generation. The constant progress in economic growth and job creation recorded during the last decade has disappeared in most EU countries. According to Agenda 2020, one of the pillars for the future of the EU is based on the creation of inclusive growth, which is building an economy with a high level of employment that result in economic, social ...
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'Don't wait for a job to come to you - create your own!' has been the key idea driving this Transfer of Innovation project. BTF, in partnership with 5 organisations, adapted an innovative methodology of training & developing entrepreneurs,"The Bridge Model” (TBM), and used it to meet new&established needs in new socio-cultural & linguistic contexts.TBM emerged in the UK from businesses & trainers ...
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The proposed plan moves in the axis of promoting life learning and the valorisation of informal learning. More specifically it refers to the valorisation of qualifications that were acquired informally by executives of consulting institutions in the sector of the social economy with the creation of a certificate of European scope. The reason the specific plan was chosen is primarily for the enhanc ...
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A clear documentation of learning objectives, educational process, learning context, learning outcomes and management system is an essential and necessary aspect of the QA of SPs.The project aims to define and to implement an on-line documentation system for the QA of SPs in the PCs, consistent with the European Standards and Guidelines for QA. This aim will be pursued through the cooperation of a ...
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Our research highlighted that-qualifications are not as important as competencies to an employer when recruiting a young adult; use of informal/non-formal learning and the role of organisations supporting young adults to develop competencies is critical; supporting progress, by having a system that assesses distance travelled is vital; employers find difficulty in measuring and assessing key comp ...
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