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Sustainable Enterprise and Leadership for Youth
Start date: Feb 1, 2015, End date: Feb 1, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

BTF will share, test and adapt our innovative youth enterprise and leadership development methodology, The SLAM Model, with 5 other EU organisations. The SELFY project will transfer SLAM to new socio-cultural, economic & linguistic environments. This will see SLAM to be delivered on a wider scale, by organisations working with marginalised youth groups (rural, severely disabled, the disaffected - those underrepresented in enterprise and leadership positions e.g. LGBT, Women, Minorities) and in a flexible and scalable way. The SLAM Model is an enabling & empowering leadership development methodology with an entrepreneurial edge. SLAM consists of practical coaching sessions, bespoke learning resources & development pathways, peer-led learning&teaching and live experience in real life scenarios. These are enhanced through continuous advice&support from local enterprise and community leaders. The focus is on 1)Organisations (youth workers, teachers, trainers) to coach young people in leadership & enterprise through integrating the ‘learning of leadership’ methodology with practical involvement in enterprise activities 2) Learners (young people) to develop their enterprise & leadership QEAS (qualities, experiences, attitudes and skills) to a level where they can a)cascade their learning to peers & b)further develop themselves through this cascading. The result is the increased capacity&confidence, of youth & youth organisations to be leaders and more enterprising in their own lives and communities. The SELFY project will leave youth organisations better able to develop the leadership, employability, entrepreneurism and softer skills of young people they work with. The SLAM Model will form the basis of SELFY - an innovative, interactive&flexible coaching method to be used by youth organisation’s to engage, coach&develop young people they otherwise struggle to help. Our strategic partnership for youth organisations, SELFY, will involve organisations from 6 EU countries&focus on target groups of hard to reach youths (disabled,rural,peripheral, disaffected groups, etc). Our aim is to evolve The SLAM Model to enable it to be used in new socio-economic, cultural&linguistic environments – we are particularly focused on its use by youth organisations in under-developed environments & for youth who lack the means to gain employment – either as entrepreneurs or employees. This allows SELFY to have an innovative, effective & tangible impact on the UK & EU youth organisation eco-systems – especially as a prototype for potential national policy changes. This will be done through sharing SLAM, adapting it according to local partner needs & experiences, piloting the adapted methodology in new environments & evaluating success here. SELFY will produce an effective, tested, and practical entrepreneurship and leadership skills development methodology for youth trainers and learners. SELFY creates a transferable & self-sustaining methodology of enterprise & leadership teaching which infuses enterprise creation in to young people & communities. SELFY will create a self-sustaining methodology which youth organisations can use to develop enterprise & leadership QEAS amongst beneficiaries. This will enable youth who are disadvantaged (through geographical barriers, disablement, disaffection or a lack of skills) to develop 1) strong, measurable & transferable leadership skills and 2) EEQEAS so that they are more enterprising, better leaders & therefore are more employable, can make a greater difference in the workplace and/or create micro businesses&jobs. Tangible products SELFY will create include a practical guide and coaching book for youth organisation trainers to use with learners; a set of resources for youth, and youth organisations, to use; a selection of case studies and a pan-European range of experts on how to utilise these tools & increase enterprise & leadership QEAS in youth.
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5 Partners Participants