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38 European Projects Found

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In this context of high youth unemployment rate in EU, VET with a strong WBL component is a mean enhancing the employment opportunities of youth. It is estimated that the demand for work based trainers and educators will continue to increase, and yet there is no single qualification that brings together the range of skills that these professionals need. Significantly, many occupationally and tech...
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The integration of people immigrating presents a special challenge; it is a complex and long-term undertaking. Anyone who is in favour of immigration should make an effort to foster the successful integration of immigrants. Those in favour of immigration are persons closely working with migrants, they represent educational sectors: teachers, trainers, educators; or social and care sectors: volunte...
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One of the major economic activities of the European Union is the tourism sector. It has an expansive impact on economic growth, employment and social development. Nevertheless the tourism sector faces a series of challenges, e.g. difficulty of finding and keeping skilled staff or growing demand for customised experiences, new products and growing competition from other EU destinations. In June 20...
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Research demonstrates that the sector of office administration is very important and popular and is will continue to be one of the first professions in demand until 2020. EUPA_NEXT deals with this sector. EUPA_NEXT is the continuation of a very successful project EUPA (Leonardo DOI) that has developed a qualification framework for administration personnel in four EQF levels (levels 2,3,4 and 5) a...
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The current refugees flows and the need for integration of large populations of people refugees and asylum seekers from conflict zones has posed several challenges at EU level, the most urgent being of humanitarian aid. Nevertheless, when the time comes for refugees to settle down and integrate European cities, the urgent need becomes to find employment. Migrants and refugees need the specialise...
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Shared Responsibility

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

What if all youngsters, including the more vulnerable youngsters, could show their gained skills and competences in a way society would understand and recognise? What if the gap between these youngsters and (potential) employers would be bridged by one system? Shared Responsibility aims to make a SHARE methodology and SHARE system, using badges as a tool to recognize their gained skills and compet...
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Integration Through Sustainable Lifestyle

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

The European Union faces a large influx of migrants, asylum seekers and refugees who want to settle down in Europe, according to the statistic Eurostat (2014), the number of people living in the EU-28 who were citizens of non-member countries was 19.6 million while the number of people living in the EU-28 who had been born outside of the EU was 33.5 million. The aim of the EU Member States is on t...
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Start date: Sep 19, 2016, End date: Nov 18, 2017,

Our proposal is a consequence of the results of an analysis conducted jointly by the three organizations IKASLAN, TKNIKA and the Deputy Ministry of Vocational Training and Lifelong Learning of the Basque government . While the evolution otrainees´ mobility level has reached 10% of the total amount , teachers´ mobility is very low and does not meet the minimum desired .We need to boost the mobili...
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Vocational Language for Care and New Opportunities for Migrants

Start date: Nov 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2017,

The VOLCANO Project aims to develop and test a learning pathway for the target groups of indigenous BME, migrants and refugee populations who are economically inactive, and who have second or additional language to the host country for entry into the social care sector within healthcare provision. The project has five main objectives: 1) To demonstrate that people with language levels of A2 t...
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Community Education Facilitating

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Community Education Facilitating has to be considered as an overall concept for fostering the implementation of community education offers in regional /local, urban as well as rural communities. It has become evident that community education processes must be initiated, coordinated, guided and accompanied. This is the only way to ensure sustainability and avoid pop-up effects. To this end, a prof...
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Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

App.T aims to create an app to support target groups who are likely to be less attractive to employers in the current EU economy and therefore be unemployed, along with their trainers. It will contain interactive training content which focuses on developing business start-up skills based on the principles of social enterprise. Users will develop soft skills and work preparation skills to ultimatel...
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Digitally Competent Youth

Start date: Feb 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2017,

In today’s world, where the need for lifelong learning has been accepted and new technologies have taken on a significant role in increasing employability among young people, there is no other option than to reconsider the objectives of education, especially in non-formal context in the light of growing societal demands and new sociocultural trends. The current level of unemployment among young p...
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With the emergence of concepts such as Lifelong Education, Lifelong Learning, Adult Education, Continuing Education has led to increase in importance of Public Education Centers in the education system. In almost all countries developed or developing, public education is considered as a sub-sytem in the education system. Today, the initiatives to meet the educational needs of communities and indi...
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Due to the open labour market and an increased rate of migration, the recognition and validation of competences, from non-formal and informal learning, is one of the key topics in Europe today (EU COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION December 20th, 2012 on the validation of non-formal and informal learning). The basis of the EQF is the traceability of acquired skills which encourages the mobility of European wo...
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Creative Thinking in Literacy and Language Skills

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

Having considered the four main strategic objectives for the ET 2020 framework and in particular its strategic objectives of improving the quality and efficiency of education and training and that all citizens need to be able to acquire key competencies and all levels of education and training need to be made more attractive and efficient, we believe that educational establishments have a great ...
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Geschichten aus dem Sudetenland

Start date: Feb 29, 2012, End date: Jul 29, 2013,

Das Projekt "Geschichten aus Sudetenland" hat in den Jahren 2012 und 2013 15 Interviews mit Zeitzeugen durchgeführt, die vor dem Krieg im Sudetengebiet lebten. Sieben Interviews führten wir mit Personen, die nach dem Krieg mitsamt ihren Familien nach Deutschland vertrieben wurden und acht Interviews mit Personen, die nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg in der Tschechoslowakei blieben. Die zweite Grupp...
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Schule - Herz der Region

Start date: Jan 31, 2012, End date: Jun 29, 2013,

School is not just a place for the education of children, but also a place for mutual encounters, sharing experiences, expanding horizons, hosts the culture, source of inspiration, enrichment of each municipality. The school is the heart of the region. In our project we are trying to connect two very distant regions, but based on the other side of the border (Pilsen Region and Bavaria). Pupils thr...
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Lebendes Gedächtnis der Sudeten

Start date: Feb 28, 2010, End date: Apr 29, 2011,

Die Ausstellung informiert über das damalige Leben in der heutigen Region Pilsen aus Sicht von Zeitzeugen, die dort geboren und aufgewachsen sind. Die eindrucksvolle Dokumentation wird durch Zitate aus Interviews und historische Fotografien ergänzt. Sie entstand in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Zentrum für kommunale Arbeit Westböhmen und der Volkshochschule Cham.(
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Adult education is a central pillar in the European lifelong learning policy, but in most European countries the qualifications of adult education trainers are mainly based on informal and not formal learning and not formally recognized. For these reasons, the development of systems for validation of competences (i.e. systems that can check the practitioner is able to carry out the key activities ...
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Migrant workers in the European Union are extremely unfamiliar with cultural,citizenship and employment realities in the host country. They have little knowledge ofhow the professional sectors work, or the limitations and the demands of companiesand professions. Their ideas of the social, civic and cultural environment are often out ofstep with the new reality they are about to encounter. They are...
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The network "ELL-Young Europeans Love Languages“ is a European Network aiming toraise the motivation of young people to learn foreign languages by offering an attractiveand joyful learning environment outside formal education.In order to achieve this, the network will:1. Facilitate the sharing of existing good practice of language learning conceptsin combination with sport, cultural and entertainm...
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In the past years, the issue of “basic skills” has gained particular attention in most European countries. Of particular concern are what is generally called ‘functional literacy’ and ‘functional numeracy’ defined as “the ability to read, write and speak in the respective language and to use mathematics at a level necessary to function at work and in society in general”. In order to achieve this i...
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• 1 innovative APL/RVCC methodology and tools, on validation of non-formal and informal learning competences, will be transferred by ISQ;• 1 target group fits, VET teachers/trainers/guidance professionals through the common transfer workshop and national pilot sessions;• 1 European ECVET curricula for APL professional and a common guideline for it integration in existing national VET programmes wa...
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The rapidly changing labour market, ageing population, intensified global competition and current crises make it necessary to use all available knowledge, skills and competencies – irrespective of where and how they have been acquired. The interest in validation can be seen as closely linked to efforts to create more flexible qualification systems – making it possible for individuals to build lear...
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Recently the issue of quality management has been applied to almost every sphere of professional activities, including education. The quality in education and training affects on the one hand the operation of the organisation, management, cost efficiency, etc and on the other hand the organization's product, i.e. the relevance, quality and impact of learning outcomes. However, the significant expe...
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The project "Tandem" is based upon the concept of intergenerational and intercultural learning. It will show to VET teachers how to support learners making non-formal and informal skills transparent and valid for their future professional development.
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The project has developed “Guidelines for integration of self-directed learning into vocational education and training of low-skilled unemployed persons” and a “Tool Box” in order to overcome barriers to (lifelong) learning that are related to motivation to learn, aptitude to learn and training offers that do not match the interests and capacities of low skilled people. Moreover, it has developed...
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In many European countries the tourism sector includes not only big chains of hotelsand services offered by travel agencies, but also a great amount of small touristpensions, hotels, agro tourist services, small restaurants etc. which are mostly run as afamily business including grandparents, parents, children and other employees. For thistarget group the ability of using foreign languages is an e...
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Aiming to improve the quality of guidance and counselling in adult and further education, partners worked together to develop a short training course targeted at a wide range of potential guidance and support staff (e.g. information staff, human resources and development staff, teachers and trainers). Activities included an initial analysis of national counselling systems prior to the development ...
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The partners of PrMaCLT provide language training in ES, BE, LV, DE, CZ and PL to different kind of costumers, from private companies to public administrations, or provide language training as part of their public mandate. In the running of the language courses, a mismatch has been observed in some cases between the formal degree or qualifications obtained and the real need of the customer. For in...
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Although female representation in IT and economy courses has generally increased, it is still a common European challenge that socially disadvantaged, low-level educated women show low participation and retention rates for these subjects (EUROSTAT 2008). This leads to barriers: Reduced participation in a wider society, reduced access to information, reduced chances on an increasingly demanding lab...
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Within the context of developing a mother tongue + 2 other languages alongside other goals set out under the Education & Training work programme 2010, language and intercultural competencies are key skills for personal, social and economic effectiveness and fulfilment within the European context and citizenship. Improving education and training, the quality of the workforce and promoting language...
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The aim of the project is to develop, publish online, provide free access and disseminate a set of colloquial language learning exercises (L-Pack) in the 3 languages. The target languages will be those of the EU countries attracting the highest number of migrants, who do not speak the national language (German, Italian, Spanish, see Eurostat 2008) plus 3 other less widely used and taught languages...
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Precolt is a multilateral project, which targets the priority: “Awareness raising and development of new materials and/or on-line courses”. Precolt is an extension of a previous multilateral project, Promacolt, (, and uses as a basis results obtained in it, in particular its Guide of Recommendations. It tackles two conclusions: the lack of detailed specifications of language cours...
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Young Europeans Love Languages 2

Start date: Nov 1, 2012,

“YELL 2” aims at disseminating and mainstreaming the pedagogical structures of existing ‘know-how’ and ‘experiences’ in language learning in Europe to new users. It aims to respond to the need of providing attractive and interesting language teaching & learning methods and environments via a variety of creative contexts, such as cultural, social, sport activities etc. “YELL 2” builds on the expe...
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Globalization, the economic recession and the technological revolution are some of the main factors that have substantially changed our society and labour market’s needs. Processes towards labour market insertion are more and more demanding and the structure and features of job positions have changed. In order to face these challenges, it is important to detect which competences employers are look...
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The integration of people immigrating presents a special challenge; it is a complex andlong-term undertaking. Anyone who is in favour of immigration should make an effort tofoster the successful integration of immigrants already living in countries and that of thenew immigrant. One group of people close to immigrants are teachers, trainers andother educational staff who in everyday working life ha...
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The project aims to reinforce support for dyslexic students in mainstream education through foreign languageteacher training.Dyslexia can bring about serious educational consequences which leave their imprint on social and emotionalwell-being of an individual, during school years and later on in adulthood. Individuals with dyslexia are prone toencounter difficulties in foreign language study, vary...
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