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Be multilingual!!- Raising motivation of foreign language learners by implementing modern ways of learning in tourism sector

In many European countries the tourism sector includes not only big chains of hotelsand services offered by travel agencies, but also a great amount of small touristpensions, hotels, agro tourist services, small restaurants etc. which are mostly run as afamily business including grandparents, parents, children and other employees. For thistarget group the ability of using foreign languages is an essential factor for raisingcompetitiveness and entrepreneurship.The main objective of the project is to develop and promote methodologies to motivatepeople working in the tourism sector and enhance their capacity for language learning.In order to achieve this, the specific objectives are:• To develop a foreign language training concept by employing learning contentsthat reflect the business needs and interests of the target group. The languagetraining concept will include self-directed and family foreign language learningfor people working in the tourism sector including those in rural areas.• To demonstrate project contents and results through a variety of demonstrationevents and dissemination actions including multiplier seminars for all EUcountries.Outputs:• Handbook with toolbox "Be multilingual" raising motivation of foreign languageslearners by implementing modern ways of learning in the tourism sector for thefollowing languages: EN, DE, DA, IT, FR, ES, PT.• Language learning platform focusing on the tourism sector.The project provides training and awareness for teachers and trainers by creating a newmethodological and pedagogical concept that includes self-directed, content related,and family learning and incorporates it into their system and practice.

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