European Projects
Shared Responsibility
Shared Responsibility
Start date: Sep 1, 2016,
End date: Aug 31, 2018
What if all youngsters, including the more vulnerable youngsters, could show their gained skills and competences in a way society would understand and recognise? What if the gap between these youngsters and (potential) employers would be bridged by one system? Shared Responsibility aims to make a SHARE methodology and SHARE system, using badges as a tool to recognize their gained skills and competences in informal, non-formal and formal learning on a EQF level 1 and 2. Doing this in a common language which will be understood by youngsters, youth workers, teachers, trainers, employers and policy makers. In current times of economic and refugee crises, it is necessary to create opportunities to improve socio-labour conditions of EU citizens, especially regarding to the youth unemployment that is becoming alarming. According to DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion the rise of unemployment among young people (aged 15-24) is dramatic: since 2008, the total number in the EU has increased by one million. There are now over 5 million young people in the EU-28 under the age of 25, who cannot find a job.In Europe there are extra vulnarable groups of youngsters who are not able to get employed as they do not have the official papers (diploma/ certificates). The final beneficiaries the project is aiming at are NEETs, (potential) dropouts, young refugees and migrants, aged 16-30. If a young person has not got a diploma or certificate, it does not mean he/she has not gained skills and competences. When a youngster can show to a future employer what his/her skills and competences are and the employer acknowledges the value of these skills and competences, the employability of the youngster will enhance and for the employers the possibilities to get the adequate employees will enlarge. The aim of the project is to narrow the gap between vulnerable young groups of people in our society and the labour market in order to make these young persons to active participants in our society. This strengthens them to be self-confident and make them economically valued in community.Six regions from four different countries, each bringing their own regional situations, challenges, best practises and expertise are involved in this project which will last two years. In the Netherlands the regions of Leiden and the Hague, in Spain Valencia, in Germany East Bavaria and in Italy Il Vergante and Calabria will work from September 2016- August 2018 on making the SHARE methodology and SHARE system. All partners are bringing in their own regional/national/European network, involving education, youth work, regional or local government and potential employers, to disseminate the outcomes from this project. In this Strategic Partnership three major outputs have been set;1. A thourough analysis of each region, including best practises and research of already existing recognition systems2. A SHARE methodology and SHARE system3. The implementation of Shared Responsibilities with feedback from diverse stakeholders and target groupsThe SHARE system will be transferable to other regions in Europe as the outputs will be free of charge and available online.