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Over 40 European Projects Found

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Integrated Arctic observation system (INTAROS)

Start date: Dec 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2021,

The overall objective of INTAROS is to develop an integrated Arctic Observation System (iAOS) by extending, improving and unifying existing systems in the different regions of the Arctic. INTAROS will have a strong multidisciplinary focus, with tools for integration of data from atmosphere, ocean, cryosphere and terrestrial sciences, provided by institutions in Europe, North America and Asia. Sate...
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Coherent Structures in Wall-bounded Turbulence (COTURB)

Start date: Feb 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2021,

Turbulence is a multiscale phenomenon for which control efforts have often failed because the dimension of the attractor is large. However, kinetic energy and drag are controlled by relatively few slowly evolving large structures that sit on top of a multiscale cascade of smaller eddies. They are essentially single-scale phenomena whose evolution can be described using less information than for th...
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Big Data Value ecosystem (BDVe)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Dec 31, 2020,

The mission of BDVe is to support the Big Data Value PPP in realizing a vibrant data-driven EU economy or said in other words, BDVe will support the implementation of the PPP to be a SUCCESS.Behind that mission, there are multiple goals to achieve, which should be taken into full consideration when defining the directions of the PPP. Some of the most challenging ones are: (1) achieving a more comp...
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Planning and mental simulation of actions and outcomes are a major cognitive trait of humans. We predict action consequences and perform goal-directed actions in proactive, forward-looking ways. By contrast, systems that lack predictive planning are reactive and dominated by reflex-like, cumbersome behaviors. Most currently existing brain-machine-interfaces (BMI) fall into this category. Plan4Act...
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The main economic, technological and environmental challenges of small mining include reducing high investment costs, reducing generation of waste and large tailings, identifying and addressing environmental impacts, and improving flexibility, automation and safety of operations. However, at the moment, there is no quick-fix available to reduce the environmental impact from mines, and it is neithe...
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The cities of Madrid, Stockholm, Munich, Turku and Ruse have formed the CIVITAS ECCENTRIC consortium to tackle the challenges of mobility in suburban districts and clean, silent and CO2 free city logistics. In many cities, these two important areas have received less attention in urban mobility policies.Though European cities have made significant steps forward in making city centres attractive an...
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European Masters Programme in Software Engineering

Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Jul 31, 2020,

REFERENCE: 564422-EPP-1-2015-1-IT-EPPKA1-JMD-MOB_EMSETITLE: European Masters Programme in Software Engineering, EMSEObjectiveThe European Masters Programme in Software Engineering (EMSE) aims at educating a new generation of software engineers and researchers who meet the requirements of European software ICT practice today.Course durationTwo years (120 ECTS credits).Brief descriptionEMSE is a mas...
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Background Urban environmental issues operate at different scales, and this is the case for climate change adaptation strategies that necessarily complement mitigation measures. Adaptation and mitigation operate at different spatial scales: while mitigation measures have a global effect; adaptation strategies must be designed at the regional or local scal...
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ACTIVAGE is a European Multi Centric Large Scale Pilot on Smart Living Environments. The main objective is to build the first European IoT ecosystem across 9 Deployment Sites (DS) in seven European countries, reusing and scaling up underlying open and proprietary IoT platforms, technologies and standards, and integrating new interfaces needed to provide interoperability across these heterogeneous ...
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Land, food, energy, water and climate are interconnected, comprising a coherent system (the ‘Nexus’), dominated by complexity and feedback. The integrated management of the Nexus is critical to secure the efficient and sustainable use of resources. Barriers to a resource efficient Europe are policy inconsistencies and incoherence, knowledge gaps, especially regarding integration methodologies and ...
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Climate change and population growth are expected to exacerbate the water crisis of Mediterranean African Countries (MACs), where agriculture accounts for 80-85% of freshwater consumption. The aim of MADFORWATER is to develop a set of integrated technological and management solutions to enhance wastewater treatment, reuse for irrigation and water efficiency in agriculture in three MACs (Tunisia, M...
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Knowledge regarding the complex interplay between agricultural land use and management and soil quality and function is fragmented and incomplete, in particular with regard to underlying principles and regulating mechanisms. The main aim of iSQAPER is to develop an interactive soil quality assessment tool (SQAPP) for agricultural land users that integrates newly derived process understanding and a...
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EmERGE will develop a mHealth platform to enable self-management of HIV in patients with stable disease. The platform will build upon and integrate the existing mHealth solutions operated by pioneering healthcare providers in the UK and Spain and apply a rigorous co-design approach to ensure patient and clinician input to the solution. The platform will provide users with web based and mobile devi...
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PROTEIN2FOOD’s aim is to develop innovative, cost-effective and resource-efficient plant proteins –rich food sources with positive impact on human health, the environment and biodiversity. The quality and quantity of protein from selected highly nutritious seed crops (quinoa, amaranth and buckwheat), and legumes with high protein quantity (lupin, faba beans, pea, chickpea, lentil) will be signific...
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TurboNoiseBB aims to deliver reliable prediction methodologies and noise reduction technologies in order to allow European Aerospace industries:• to design low-noise aircraft to meet society’s needs for more environmentally friendly air transport• to win global leadership for European aeronautics with a competitive supply chain.The project is focusing on fan broadband (BB) noise sources and will o...
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Forest policy and decision makers are challenged by the need to balance the increasing demand for forest-based services (e.g. recreation, protection, conservation) and wood-based products (e.g. timber, fuelwood) with the foreseen scarcity of supply in different situations as for example disturbances (e.g. wildfires, droughts). Under these circumstances research on the impacts of different disturba...
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This project will investigate the next generation of materials and devices for latent heat thermal energy storage (LHTES) at ultra-high temperatures of up to 2000ºC, which are well beyond today's maximum operation temperatures of ~1000ºC. We will synthetize new phase change materials (PCMs) with latent heat in the range of 2-4 MJ/kg (an order of magnitude greater than that of typical salt-based PC...
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Stability and Sensitivity Methods for Industrial Design (SSeMID)

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2019,

The increasing environmental awareness of the European society has been always present in the aeronautical community, industry and research centres, having a definite influence on the way the aircraft of the future should be. In this line, the ACARE Vision for 2020, a Group of Renowned Personalities in the aeronautical field, has formulated a clear set of requirements for civil transport aircraft ...
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Offshore wind business competitiveness is strongly related to substructures and offshore logistics. DEMOGRAVI3 addresses these areas through a very promising solution called GRAVI3.GRAVI3 is an innovative hybrid steel-concrete offshore sub-structure for transitional water depths between 35 and 60m. It will sustainably reduce the levelized cost of energy by up to 15% by combining the following vect...
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Personal health systems for the management of chronic diseases have seen giant leaps in development over recent years. These systems offer vital sign monitoring and therapy delivery at home, focusing on the primary physical disease conditions. However, they do not provide support for early mood assessment or psychological treatment and lack a real-time comprehensive assessment of the patient’s men...
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The present situation of nuclear energy in Europe asks for a continuing effort in the field of Education and Training aimed to assure a qualified workforce in the next decades. In this scenario, the present proposal is aimed at enhancing and networking the Europe-wide efforts initiated in the past decades by different organisations belonging to academia, research centres and industry to maintain a...
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Smart Home (SH) provides a promising approach to assisted living for the ageing population. Yet it still remains a challenge to develop and deploy such solutions in a large scale due to the lack of an easy-to-use technology infrastructure and application exemplars. This problem arises from the nature of the SH field: multidisciplinary, diverse in its applications, and with multiple stakeholders. W...
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The lack of interoperability is considered as the most important barrier to achieve the global integration of IoT ecosystems across borders of different disciplines, vendors and standards. Indeed, the current IoT landscape consists of a large set of isolated islands that do not constitute a real internet, preventing the exploitation of the huge potential expected by ICT visionaries.To overcome thi...
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ICT is embedded and pervasive into our daily lives. The notion of Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) has emerged: embedded computational collaborating devices, capable of controlling physical elements and responding to humans.The Cross-layer modEl-based fRamework for multi-oBjective dEsign of Reconfigurable systems in unceRtain hybRid envirOnments (CERBERO) project aims at developing a design environmen...
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The project aims at producing a European Cloud Database Appliance for providing a Database as a Service able to match the predictable performance, robustness and trustworthiness of on premise architectures such as those based on mainframes. The project will evolve cloud architectures to enable the increase of the uptake of cloud technology by providing the robustness, trustworthiness, and performa...
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Participatory Urban Living for Sustainable Environments (PULSE)

Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2019,

PULSE (Participatory Urban Living for Sustainable Environments) will leverage diverse data sources and big data analytics to transform public health from a reactive to a predictive system, and from a system focused on surveillance to an inclusive and collaborative system supporting health equity. Working within five global cities, PULSE will harvest open city data, and data from health systems, ur...
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Autonomous Underwater Explorer for Flooded Mines (UNEXMIN)

Start date: Feb 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2019,

This project will develop a novel robotic system for the autonomous exploration and mapping of Europe’s flooded mines. The Robotic Explorer (UX-1) will use non-invasive methods for autonomous 3D mine mapping for gathering valuable geological and mineralogical information. This will open new exploration scenarios so that strategic decisions on the re-opening of Europe’s abandoned mines could be sup...
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This proposal intends to make a ground-breaking advance in magnetometry with the development of a new portable and compact multi-sensor instrument for on ground exploration which measures the complex susceptibility with high resolution. The combination of complex susceptibility and vector measurements would provide for the first time a complete and non-invasive in situ magnetic characterization of...
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European Master of Science of Viticulture and Enology

Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2019,

Objective The aim of the Vinifera EuroMaster programme (European Master of Vine and Wine sciences) is to train motivated people at a high scientific level for leading positions in Grape Production and Wine processing and/or Wine Economics.Course duration Two years (120 ECTS)Brief DescriptionThe curriculum focuses on the perspective of the vineyard to academia. Therefore the consortium receives adv...
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Background Elm groves are included in the EU Habitats Directive (subtype 2.3 of habitat 92A0). They have suffered degradation as a result of alterations to their habitat and the introduction of Dutch elm disease (DED) – leading to fragmentation and the risk of extinction for the European white elm (Ulmus laevis). Across Europe and America elm groves are...
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SURE: Sustainable Urban Rehabilitation in Europe

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

AIM OF PROJECT is improving quality and increasing adequacy of educational offer of EU Higher Education Institutions to the needs of society through the development of multidisciplinary joint MSc curriculum in English - SURE: Sustainable Urban Rehabilitation. Now, in a rapidly changing world, issue of sustainable development is one of the most important problems of modern countries and societies. ...
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Zinc Oxide For TeraHertz Cascade Devices (Zoterac)

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

The terahertz (THz) spectral region, located between the infrared and the microwave regions, is known as “the THz gap” because of the lack of compact semiconductor devices. This spectral domain is currently intensively explored in view of its potential for medical diagnostics, security screening, trace molecule sensing, astronomical detection, space-borne imaging, non-invasive quality control or w...
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Today, industrial markets demand highly added value products offering new features at a low-cost. To this extent, technologies to modify surfaces instead of creating composites or applying coatings on surfaces can offer new industrial opportunities. Current state of the art identifies short pulsed(SP)/ultra-short pulsed(USP) laser-material processing as a promising technology for structuring surfa...
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Background The key European Union air quality directives include the Air Quality Directive (2008/50/EC), which merged the Air Quality Framework Directive (AQFD) and daughter directives, the Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Directive (2008/1/EC) and the National Emission Ceilings Directive (2001/81/EC). Among other things, these directives aim t...
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The project aims at creating an EU-Africa e-Infrastructure, UBORA, for open source co-design of new solutions to face the current and future healthcare challenges of both continents, by exploiting networking, knowledge on rapid prototyping of new ideas and sharing of safety criteria and performance data. The e-infrastructure will foster advances in education and the development of innovative solut...
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Transforming Transport (TT)

Start date: Jan 1, 2017, End date: Jun 30, 2019,

Big Data will have a profound economic and societal impact in the mobility and logistics sector, which is one of the most-used industries in the world contributing to approximately 15% of GDP. Big Data is expected to lead to 500 billion USD in value worldwide in the form of time and fuel savings, and savings of 380 megatons CO2 in mobility and logistics. With freight transport activities projected...
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The conversion of conventional aquaculture farms in sustainable aquaculture farms help aquaculture businesses to achieve economic viability and competitiveness. Sustainable aquaculture is undoubtedly the management technique that has most contributed to support aquaculture businesses to adopt aqua-environmental measures for protection of the environment, natural resources and landscape.Aquaponics ...
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volumetric medical x-ray imaging at extremely low dose (VOXEL)

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2019,

Computerized Tomography (CT) has been one of the greatest achievements in medical imaging, but at the cost of a high, potentially harmful, X-ray irradiation dose. The ultimate goal of VOXEL is to provide an alternative to tomography with a disruptive technology enabling 3D X-ray imaging at very low dose. VOXEL aims at prototyping new cameras that will combine the X-ray penetration and nanometre sp...
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The dynamic modulation of semiconductor structures using vibrations provides a powerful tool for the control of the materials properties required for novel functionalities. Surface acoustic waves (SAWs) with GHz-frequencies and micrometre-size wavelength can be generated using piezoelectric transducers fabricated with standard integrated circuit technology. Their small propagation velocity and hig...
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ENABLE-S3 will pave the way for accelerated application of highly automated and autonomous systems in the mobility domains automotive, aerospace, rail and maritime as well as in the health care domain. Virtual testing, verification and coverage-oriented test selection methods will enable validation with reasonable efforts. The resulting validation framework will ensure Europeans Industry competiti...
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