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European Master of Science of Viticulture and Enology
Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2019 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Objective The aim of the Vinifera EuroMaster programme (European Master of Vine and Wine sciences) is to train motivated people at a high scientific level for leading positions in Grape Production and Wine processing and/or Wine Economics.Course duration Two years (120 ECTS)Brief DescriptionThe curriculum focuses on the perspective of the vineyard to academia. Therefore the consortium receives advice of an industry advisory board and international Alumni network of experienced professionals and provides support for post-graduated program and networks e.g. OenoViti or national PhD graduate schools. Particular emphasis is placed on an overall international approach of sustainable production and a conscious resource management. Apart from general Viticulture, Oenology and Economy the MSc Vinifera offers specialization in various topics (i.e. table grape, dried fruit production and handling). Furthermore, there is a close association with various other institutions of Master level education in Viticulture and Enology, Wine Economics and related activities. All the students spend the first year in Montpellier and Bordeaux. The programme for the first year is composed of common study core modules delivered by lecturers from all consortium institutions. An initial immersion sequence facilitates students’ integration. Further sequences help them make the final choice of hosting country in year 2, according to each personal project. Numerous visits and one study trip to various terroirs in different European countries are organised. Second year programs are mainly composed of elective modules allowing students to build a specialised curriculum fitted to their professional goals. The last Semester is devoted to the Master thesis preparation, which can take place in one of the associate partner institutions of the programme.An international experience« Cultural intelligence » takes a large place in the programme, for the students coming from 20-25 countries every year. The philosophy of Vinifera is to acquire a large view of the vine and wine sector and learn to work together in a globalised world.Thirteen non-European Universities and Research centres belong to the consortium as associate partners. The main language of instruction is English, but some courses are given in Italian or Spanish.A number of EU-funded scholarships are offered to the best qualified candidates.Career prospects The European Masters of Viticulture and Enology) offers a gateway to positions worldwide for executives and managers in vine and wine sectors. Vinifera EuroMaster Allumini students create a network of international experts diffusing European visions on wine, providing international knowledge of the sectorin all its diversities and specificities. Diploma Each of the partner universities has accreditation for a national Master Degree of Viticulture, Enology, and related Economic and Social Sciences. They deliver a joint degree after successful completion of Vinifera EuroMaster. Website:

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