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Start date: Jan 18, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2020 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background Urban environmental issues operate at different scales, and this is the case for climate change adaptation strategies that necessarily complement mitigation measures. Adaptation and mitigation operate at different spatial scales: while mitigation measures have a global effect; adaptation strategies must be designed at the regional or local scale depending on the climate change impact. Urban planning must therefore take into account these variable scenarios, by means of resilience-based strategies that integrate the long-term impacts of climate change. This can be done using the ‘flexible planning’ of biodynamic models. Objectives The general objective of the LIFE Lugo + Biodinámico project is to implement an innovative urban planning strategy in the city of Lugo. Actions will be applied in residential areas, to achieve a resilient urban landscape prepared to face and to minimise the effects of climate change. The specific objectives are to: Produce a strategic plan for new urban development based on the promotion of the local timber industry and the sustainable management of forests; Identify and valorise the Linear River Park, formed by the Miño, Rato and Fervedoira basins, as a Green Climatic Protection infrastructure; Improve the environmental connectivity of the action plan area by implementing a multifunctional open-air space system; Identify a set of proven solutions that can be implemented at a small scale to improve the climate change adaptation potential of urban areas; Develop a strategy to boost the economy of the adjacent industrial complex of As Gándaras through new activities related to the bioeconomy sector; Apply participating programmes to involve citizens in climate adaptation strategies; Restore and implement demonstration actions for ecosystems in the area; and Launch the portable wood pavilion ‘Impulso Verde’ (Green Impulse), which will emphasise the concept of ‘ultra-adaptability’ for future urban developments. Expected results: The implementation of the innovative urban planning concept in the city of Lugo will deliver the following actions and achieve the following results: Integrated planning of a resilient bioclimatic neighbourhood that consumes practically no energy and is largely planned with local wood systems, in an area of 20 ha including development land close to an existing business complex; Design and detailed planning of new residential areas (1 500 new housing commission homes) classified as ‘Micro-Climatic Comfort Zones’; Special Biodynamic Plan to promote the progressive environmental and socio-economic adaptation of the pilot area to climate change; Catalogue of urban design solutions ‘Adapt +’ comprising at least 30 climate adaption interventions; Prepare draft report on the ‘Restoration of the Environment and Business Complex landscape’ in As Gándaras; and The launch of the information centre, constructed with local timber and having close to a zero energetic balance.Moreover, additional small-scale actions will be performed for the restoration of the archetype ecosystems areas, which will provide guidance for the creation of other green spaces. These will lead to: The creation of a demonstration plot (4 ha) for dense native silviculture in an urban environment (e.g. cherry, maple, ash and oak trees); A one hectare urban demonstration of wood chip biofuels production; Establish a demonstration chestnut grove (3.6 ha), to enhance biodiversity and as a resource for traditional products; Restore a Ribera forest, largely composed of alder and willow trees, over about 5 ha that surrounds vulnerable wetlands; Create a 5 ha demonstration arboretum (collection of trees/shrubs) within urban surroundings, for 55 native tree, bush and shrub species representative of Galician habitats; Establish a section for Integral Urban Agriculture in experimental land plots; and Raise awareness of the project among local people.

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