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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016,

The Erasmus + programme at the Technical University of Kosice /TUKE/ is based on 17 years experience of Socrates Erasmus and LLP Erasmus. Full support is given to the programme by both the university management and its faculties. The programme forms an important part of our international activities. The majority of our Erasmus +bilateral agreements are based on the partnerships from our previo...
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The overall aim of the project is to revitalise water affected by eutrophication in the Danube Region. The high content of nutrients and undesirable elements in the water (mainly nitrogen and phosphorus) causes excessive growth of microorganisms, mainly algae and cyanobacteria that causes the loss of oxygen in the water and limiting of higher forms of aquatic life, especially fishes in the through...
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INERTIA will introduce the Internet of Things/Services principles to the Distribution Grid Control and DSM Operations. It will provide an overlay network for coordination and active grid control, running on top of the existing grid and consisting of distributed and autonomous intelligent Commercial Prosumer Hubs. This way, it will address the present "structural inertia" of DG by introducing more...
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Overall objectives - To facilitate technology transfer in the Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine cross-border region and ensure that the targeted partner Universities are in positions to offer new technologies which are on the changing needs of the cross-border regional enterprises. Specific objective - To create the innovation cross-universities network at Hungarian, Slovak, Romanian, and Ukrainian...
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The ebbits project aims to develop architecture, technologies and processes, which allow businesses to semantically integrate the Internet of Things into mainstream enterprise systems and support interoperable real-world, on-line end-to-end business applications. It will provide semantic resolution to the IoT and hence present a bridge between enterprise applications, people, services and the phys...
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eGovPoliNet sets up an international community in ICT solutions for governance and policy modelling. The international community of researchers and practitioners will share and advance research and insights from practical cases around the world. To achieve this, eGovPoliNet will build on experiences accumulated by leading actors bringing together the innovative knowledge of the field. Capabilities...
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Occupant Aware, Intelligent and Adaptive Enterprises (Adapt4EE)

Start date: Nov 1, 2011, End date: Oct 31, 2014,

Adapt4EE aims at augmenting the contemporary architectural envelope by incorporating business and occupancy related information thus providing a holistic approach to the planning, design & evaluation of energy performance of construction products at an early design phase and prior to their realization.Adapt4EE aims to deliver and validate a holistic energy performance framework that incorporates a...
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Project's main objectives is to increase knowledge and strengthen professional capacities of regional key players in two cross border regions (Košice Region in Slovakia and Zakarpatska region of Ukraine) for development of cross-border cooperation, with emphasis on cross-border clusters and cluster initiatives as a tool for sustainable development. Main activities: 1. Socio-economic analysis in t...
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Central European Living Lab for Territorial Innovation (CentraLab)

Start date: Apr 30, 2011, End date: Apr 29, 2014,

The systemic impact on the economy, the environment and the quality of life in the Central European regions derives from the increase in the “innovation attractiveness” of the Central Europe space, as it develops and articulates the innovation demand coming from its citizens and businesses and sets in place the governance mechanisms to ensure policy coherence and optimise the benefits of single in...
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Support Patients through E-services Solutions (SPES)

Start date: Mar 31, 2011, End date: Mar 30, 2014,

The topic of telemedicine offers potential for greater social cohesion in Europe as well as numerous advantages and has already begun to fill a major role in, and to change, the manner in which people interact with healthcare. Transnational cooperation in the respective field may lead to innovative and shared solutions in order to fulfil the goal to move towards a "European eHealth Area", recognis...
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This Thematic Network will facilitate and co-ordinate the implementation of a European Web Portal able to provide information on ICT-based Assistive products which are available in Europe, and on related organisations and services. The Portal will also allow access to repositories of freeware, open source software products and tools for developers of accessibility and assistive solutions, or for m...
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eACCESS+: the eAccessibility Network (eAccess+)

Start date: Sep 1, 2010, End date: Aug 31, 2013,

Description Much expertise, many guidelines and tools exist on e-accessibility but they are of a highly fragmented nature. As announced in the Communication of December 2008 on eAccessibility, the Thematic Network eAccess+ will create a platform for collecting and providing guidance on how to use in practice this body of knowledge. eAccess+ ...
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Overall objective - Establishment of cross-border cooperation through maintenance of society oriented life-long education and research and development though establishment of network for excellence in quality among educational and research institutionSpecific objectives:- obtain best practice of quality assurance at higher education and research establishments- introduction of the quality manageme...
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Open Collaboration in Policy Modelling (OCOPOMO)

Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Apr 30, 2013,

OCOPOMO addresses two levels of scientific and technological advancements:1)\tSocio-political: to formulate, model, evaluate and monitor social and economic policies of governments, which are supported by2)\tScientific and technological innovations: drawing together lessons and practical techniques from complexity science, agent based social simulation, foresight scenario analysis and advanced ICT...
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Certain innovation processes cannot be realized without people and their ideas. The project focuses on development of strategies that will safeguard human capital for these processes and establishes transnational cooperation for coping with this challenge, especially in the sector of engineering technology and science.Project partnership decided to look for a holistic European solutions by overcom...
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The current trade and goods traffic relations in Central Europe (CE) are strongly oriented towards Western Europe. However, through the accession of the South-Eastern European countries to the EU new sales and supply structures arise which have to be strengthened in the fields of trade as well as in goods traffic and logistics. The main direction of impact of the FLAVIA project is to substantial c...
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ORGANZA - Network of Medium Sized Creative Cities (ORGANZA)

Start date: Dec 31, 2009, End date: Dec 30, 2012,

ORGANZA's objective is to systematically collect and exchange policy experiences of local and regional authorities regarding creative industries. ORGANZA focuses on medium size regions and cities that lack critical mass and face brain drain of creative talent. A key element in the lack of critical mass is an incomplete production structure and environment. Often either creative entrepreneurship or...
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In the past 20 years, the Danube region witnessed tremendous changes due to increased traffic flows, the economic growth and the significant trend to develop the European Single Market. This situation directly affects the transport, research and education sectors. The Danube region is a heterogeneous territory of EU and Non-EU Member States characterized by disparities in terms of technological pr...
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The KASSETTS regions strongly base their future development on small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) systems and on their transnational trade relations. Transport, logistics and related ICT services play a fundamental role for SMEs as they represent the strategic leverages to be on the Central Europe markets and to be integrated in procurement and distribution chains. Nevertheless, SMEs EU log...
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SPIKE will develop a software platform for the easy and fast setup of business alliances. The project targets two main organisational objectives: first, outsourcing parts of the value chain to business partners (and vice versa, offering such parts in form of services); second, enabling collaboration between members of participating organisations through ad-hoc created as well as predefined busine...
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Mobility means freedom, flexibility and autonomy for all citizens, including older persons. Aging is characterized by functional changes that can create gait and balance disturbances in elderly, which are the main risk factor for falling. Elderly at risk of falling can be considered to be suffering from an involuntary motor behaviour that restricts their participation in society. One method to ove...
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Digital Ecosystems are emerging as a novel approach for the catalysis of sustainable regional development driven by SMEs. The aim of the DEN4DEK thematic network is to share experience and disseminate all the necessary knowledge that allow regions to plan an effective deployment of the Digital Ecosystems (DE) at all levels (economic, social, technical and political) in order to produce real impact...
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eGovernment Monitor Network (eGovMoNet)

Start date: May 1, 2008, End date: Apr 30, 2010,

Description Harmonise the measurements to speed up the improvements of eGovernment serviceseGovMoNet is a European Thematic Network to stimulate development and take-up of good-practice for eGovernment measurement of user-satisfaction and impact. eGovMoNet will establish a sustainable community (across academia, industry, and public agenc...
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European Network of Mining Regions (ENMR)

Start date: Jun 30, 2004, End date: Aug 30, 2006,

The objective of the European Network of Mining Regions (ENMR) is to create a platform for mining regions on a European level driven by public organisations. The two year project involves twenty partners from ten EU Member States, including local and regional authorities, universities, research institutes, industry, NGOs, Union and development agencies from mineral and coal mining regions. The net...
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In summer 2008, major economic changes emerged in every part of counties of EU, which concerned every actor of the economy in a negative sense. The changes concerned every economic sector, moreover, a great number of experts seek solutions and exit from this crisis. Stress is getting a more and more important work−related risk, as new work organization is applied and as we are moving towards a kno...
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The pilot project Agora' 2000will identify the training needs of SMEs, authorities and training organisations in the telematic and multimedia sector in relation to Information and Communication Technology (ICT). The project plans to develop training paths for new professional needs in web design, electronic commerce, telework and telecontrol for which no institutional training yet exists. This wi...
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The wider objective of EduSFE is to modernize higher education in Finance on Master-level in the remote Russian regions Siberia and Far East in line with the Bologna process. The regional focus of the project was chosen, as Siberia and Far East are underprivileged territories which have not received much attention so far. This is also reflected in intentions of the Russian government to enhance hi...
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Practical teaching programmes in electrical engineering : The project will bridge a gap caused by excessive concentration on theory in electrical engineering training programmes. It will provide interactive simulations which give the student the opportunity to study the theory of the subject whilst at the same time engaging in simulated practical experiments. This project started in 2002 and laste...
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The main aim of the project was to create a set of training modules in scope of automation and industrial robotics to educate technical teachers in vocational schools and employees of production SMEs about possible utilization of automated and robotized installations in industry, and to develop vocational skills considering the labour market needs.VITRALAB training system consists of two parts. Th...
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The rapid development of microelectronics devices and their assembling technologies is accompanied by the dramatic change of the knowledge required from all technical personnel (engineers, technicians, skilled or even unskilled workers) employed in this field. The main aims and objectives of the projects are to adapt and integrate the innovative content and results already existing at some univers...
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INARM (INFORMATICS AND MANAGEMENT: BOLOGNA-STYLE QUALIFICATION FRAMEWORKS) is a two-year multi-country project, under the EACEA N° 25/2011, 5th call and Higher Education and Society, Structural Measures action. INARM’s wider objective is to contribute to further improvement of Russian, Ukrainian and Armenian higher education by developing sectorial qualifications frameworks for informatics and man...
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This project is a multi-country approach to the problem of lack of regional and local administrative staff trained in ICT, by creating a network of Educational Centres. These would offer mainly training courses but also act as resource centres for local administrations. The project will create Educational Certers' Network for retraining the administrative staff of the cooperating region administra...
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The main idea of "Turning the silver challenge into the golden opportunity" -SIGOLD is to support the creation of age integrated society, help 50+ workers to get a chance for active ageing as active participants in an age-integrated society and ageing well at work, at home and in their communities. The main goal of the project SIGOLD is: through newly developed e-learning courses, awareness raisi...
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Le but du projet est de transférer les résultats du projet Leonardo intitulé „Systèmes de gestion de la qualité pour des PME” qui a été mis en oeuvre entre 2002 et 2005. Le projet a élaboré une série d’outils d’apprentissage et de pratique pour acquérir les connaissances et compétences nécessaires pour le développement d’un système d’assurance de la qualité en accord avec les standards ISO 9001:20...
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Due to the dynamic technological developments and a large variety of products, materials and technologies in companies of MST education and training requirements vary greatly and are subject to rapid change. This goes along with particular demands on the development and design of educational processes and skills development for educational staff. In addition to a continuous development of new know...
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The EURENERGY project aims at introducing new teaching and organisational learning solutions based upon innovative ICT learning environments, and focussing upon safe and alternative energy. The project will result in specialised training software and a series of ten training modules covering topics such as technical legislation and new technologies in the field of renewable energies, energetic was...
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The project will promote and develop access to inclusive education, to social integration and to non-discrimantion treatment of those with special needs in education in accordance with Bologna Process and UN criteria. This will initiate the right of individuals with special needs to access education, to enjoy the right of participation in everyday society and to combat discrimination against th...
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The importance of electronic assembling technology in the process of industries has increased gradually in recent years. In the highly industrialized countries, process electronics serves to enhance product quality, master the whole range of products, and efficiently utilize resources. In the rapidly developing countries, mass production is the main motivation for applying process of electronic as...
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Multilingualism is a key feature of Europe and the benefits of knowing foreign languagesis unquestionable. Language skills not only facilitate studying, travelling, and workingaround the world, allowing intercultural communication and integration, but they are alsoan asset in meeting the new economic challenges of the European Union. In order tobetter promote multilingualism, the education and pro...
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The general objective of the project is to develop and establish new high-quality interdisciplinary curriculums for the support of the automotive industry in Serbia (as the largest exporter in the country) and urban area development (to contribute to the quality of public services as well as the quality of life in urban settlements). Its objective is to increase the quality and potential of the la...
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