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Communicating in Multilingual Contexts meets the Enterprises, Awareness and development of academic and Professional language skills for mobility students

Multilingualism is a key feature of Europe and the benefits of knowing foreign languagesis unquestionable. Language skills not only facilitate studying, travelling, and workingaround the world, allowing intercultural communication and integration, but they are alsoan asset in meeting the new economic challenges of the European Union. In order tobetter promote multilingualism, the education and professional systems in each countryneed to play an important role. The CMC_E project will provide a virtual learningenvironment (VLE) offering learning materials based on the Content and LanguageIntegrated Learning (CLIL) approach in seven different languages (Dutch, English,Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Slovak, and Spanish) specifically aimed at developing andreinforcing academic language skills required in trans-national higher educationcontexts. This will help meet the needs of mobility students who are required to useessential academic language skills in new higher education contexts, but who are notalways appropriately trained to do so prior to their study abroad scheme. The materialswill be developed by a partnership of six university institutions located in England, Italy,Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, and Spain working together with an enterprise located inItaly. In fact, the project will also offer materials designed to support the development ofprofessional language skills considered necessary by the labour market. This will bebased on the needs analysis carried out among enterprises, social enterprises, andlocal institutions in the territorial area in which each partner is located in order to identifythe key professional language skills required by employers. Moreover, by offeringlearning materials in English, Spanish and in less used and less taught languages suchas Dutch, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, and Slovak, the CMC_E learning environment willhelp promote linguistic and cultural diversity, thus fostering learners' awareness of howlinguistic diversity stems from the contact of less used and widely used languages, andencouraging knowledge of the culture of other countries among university leavers andin-service workers. Indeed, CMC_E wishes to promote, through its innovativeframework and activities, an intercultural dialogue with the hope of helping to developthe concept of EU citizenship and spread a feeling of belonging to Europe among theyounger generations. The VLE will be easily accessible and will offer flexibility to carryout the work where and when users wish, providing access to and participation inlifelong learning, developing learning-to-learn skills, and facilitating new technologicalskills in the learning society.
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6 Partners Participants