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Strengthening higher education in the sphere of Finance in Siberia and Far East of Russia
Start date: Dec 1, 2013,

The wider objective of EduSFE is to modernize higher education in Finance on Master-level in the remote Russian regions Siberia and Far East in line with the Bologna process. The regional focus of the project was chosen, as Siberia and Far East are underprivileged territories which have not received much attention so far. This is also reflected in intentions of the Russian government to enhance higher education in these regions. The subject of Finance was chosen, as it is a crucial factor for regional development and skilled graduates in this field are coveted by the business community and the public sector alike.More specifically the project aims to:- reform existing master curricula in Finance at 5 Russian HEIs in Siberia and Far East in accordance with EU standards (incl. ECTS, Diploma Supplement)- increase the convergence of these master programmes in Finance with labour market demands to foster employability of graduates- enhance the international orientation of these master programmes through 5 new double degree programmes (incl. recognition arrangements) between EU and Russian HEIs in line with the Bologna process - improve the quality and relevance of these master programmes through measures such as teacher training and updated course contents The core outcomes and outputs are:- guidelines on the specific need for reform in master programmes in Finance- 5 modernized master curricula in Finance at Russian HEIs (for a minimum of 150 students per year)- 5 new double degree programmes in Finance between EU and Russian HEIs (for a minimum of 10 students per year)- Updated and newly developed courses for the modernized programmes at 5 Russian HEIs (45 packages of teaching materials)- 3 sets of teacher trainings for 45 teachers from 5 Russian HEIs- Internal and external quality control of the undertaken activities and outputs/outcomes- A project website and regional dissemination workshops- A sustainability strategy and a final exploitation

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