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Higher education student and staff mobility project
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Erasmus + programme at the Technical University of Kosice /TUKE/ is based on 17 years experience of Socrates Erasmus and LLP Erasmus. Full support is given to the programme by both the university management and its faculties. The programme forms an important part of our international activities. The majority of our Erasmus +bilateral agreements are based on the partnerships from our previous projects, such as TEMPUS, Leonardo, Lingua. The aim of the programme is the internationalization of education, strengthening the European dimension of education, strengthening common European thinking and integration into the European educational environment. Moreover, it is important for students and university staff to gain experience from the international environment and to obtain professional skills from the work environment. The activities of the programme fulfil the ideas stated in the Erasmus Policy Statement of TUKE published on the website / Our university is involved in all KA103 activities of Erasmus +. During the current project period, 260 people participated in the project activities, out of whom 202 were students and 58 staff members. 163 of our students took part in Erasmus study mobility at 57 partner institutions and 38 students carried out their placement in firms almost all over Europe. The major activity is studying abroad. Students at bachelor level form 28%, at master level 62% and at doctoral level 10% of all outgoing students. Out of all 38 placement students, bachelors form 34%, masters 37% and doctoral students form 29% including recent graduates. The proportion of male to female is 47% to 53%. The results and impacts are very good. Some doctoral students who participate in the mobility build their academic career at our institution and this international experience has a positive impact on it. Our faculties require this kind of experience from our doctoral students. After completing their study abroad, students at bachelor and master levels gain self-confidence, are more aware of their weaknesses and strengths which they find helpful in building their professional career. 42 teachers gave lectures at 21 partner institutions and 16 administrative staff learnt something new for their professional growth in 12 institutions. The proportion of male and female is the same. Young teachers formed 21% of the total number and teachers taking part in this activity for the first time created 26%. The mobility of lecturers are used for the preparation of student mobilities at partners institutions. The proportion of young people among the admininstrative staff is higher. Young people form 56% and staff taking part in training for the first time form 50%. The impact is measurable: the staff implements good practices, the teachers improve their professional language skills, use new teaching methods. The activities carried out during this project rank our university to the foreground in Slovakia and these results have positive effect on the evaluation of the Technical University of Kosice.
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