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11 European Projects Found

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Project Green Wheels addresses some of the long-term strategic objectives of EU education and training policies objectives defined by The Education and Training 2020 work programme, namely improving the quality of education and enhancing innovation in education. The project aims to create blended learning materials in the emerging field of Operation, repair and service of hybrid and electric vehic...
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Vocational education and training in Slovakia is undergoing significant systemic changes that have transformed „school based education system" towards "company based education system", in order to align practice with the knowledge, skills and competencies of graduates of secondary vocational schools. Education reform, improvement and development of dual vocational education can significantly lead ...
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Skills in metal and electro industry

Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2017,

Never ending progress and development of manufacturing procedures demand continuous and up-to-date training which needs to be a response to industry's needs and has to enable the mobility of trainees and workers. Challenges of skill gaps, raising employment and employability rate, quality and efficiency of education and training and improving synergy between the worlds of education and work as pre...
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The project responds to current VET policy developments in the European Union. These in turn are a response to the economic policy objectives of the Agenda 2020. The EU wants to ensure that by 2020 75% of the people in working age people are in employment. The currently extremely high youth unemployment in many European regions shows what efforts are needed to achieve this goal. One of the causes...
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Reason for the projectThe Slovak Republic is facing an increasing demand for and shortage of skilled workforce in the manufacturing and automotive industries. Due to demographic developments as well as the discontinuation work-based training models during the transformation period, there is no replacement for qualified workers leaving the labour market. This trend is accompanied by disturbingly hi...
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2016 Financial support for EQF in Slovakia

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

The proposed project is aimed at supporting the development of Slovak Qualifications Framework (SKKR) in terms of improvement of methodology of qualifications levelling to SKKR, to develop research in the field, to develop analytical and comparative analyses. In the previous period, there were idefined 40 four sub-frameworks of SKKR - this project is focused on analytical and research work in this...
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In the Slovak Republic the Strategy of LLL and lifelong guidance (LLG) was accepted by the Government in April 2007. It presents proposals of system, objectives, financing of LLL and LLG, quality assurance and validation of non-formal and informal learning's results. Consequently, in December 2009 it was adopted the Act on LLL. After short period of implementation there is an strong need for the r...
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DISCO II provides a much needed and so far at European level not available terminological support for the description and translation of knowledge, skills and competences in the context of labour market and education. Transparency and comparability of competences is supported by DISCO II, based on a common terminology offered for competence descriptions in European transparency instruments and lea...
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Since the Copenhagen Declaration of November 30th, 2002 the aim of the EU member states is to enhance transparency between the different systems of vocational education and training to promote the formation of a European labour market. Means to achieve this goal are the EQR, the respective NQRs and the credit point system ECVET. On December 12th, 2008 the European Parliament formally approved ECVE...
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The project seeks to target the problem of the absence of appropriate educational materials for key vocational subjects in automotive industry and to increase the quality of learning in Slovak VET, which was recognized as the national priority for LdV programme – Transfer of innovation. Currently, automotive schools with similar field of study recognize four key vocational subjects for specific ...
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Plastic industry is the fastest growing industry in the whole EU. According to survey analysis, there is no National Occupations or Qualifications Framework created in SR regarding this specific plastic sector. Also, there is no suitable offer of educational activities and this non-systematic approach causes practical impact:- Inability to absorb new knowledge within this specific field from diffe...
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