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2016 Financial support for EQF in Slovakia
Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The proposed project is aimed at supporting the development of Slovak Qualifications Framework (SKKR) in terms of improvement of methodology of qualifications levelling to SKKR, to develop research in the field, to develop analytical and comparative analyses. In the previous period, there were idefined 40 four sub-frameworks of SKKR - this project is focused on analytical and research work in this field, particularly the development of explanatory tables for the identified subframeworks, as well as pilot testing and preparation of the 5th subframwork for international sectoral qualifications. Slovakia is at a time when information and experience from previous years capitalises in the law - in the drafting of the new Act on LLL and other regulations (designed to indicate the degree of EKR / SKKR to certificates, diplomas, CS etc.). A working group of experts in the field will make proposals and recommendations on legislative changes.Furthermore, the project aims to maintain and improve cooperation with the stakeholders grouped in the sectoral councils. Another category of social partners represents government authorities and local governments and orgaisations of resort ministries. We consider equally important building a network of centers that directly or indirectly influence the creation of SKKR - particularly in terms of guidance (Euroguidance) and proof of qualifications award (Europass). This cooperation was set in the previous period, and an effort of the project is paid to maintain a standard of efficient cooperation.We also consider intensifying cooperation with representatives of universities to be important, especially in achieving the objectives of the Bologna process.The project is aimed at further intensifying the dissemination activities in the form of seminars, Webinars and workshops, which aim not only to present information about SKKR and EQF but to continue the good practice of open discussion and brainstorming on the VNIL.
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