Search for European Projects

29 European Projects Found

Searched on 125080 European Projects

Within a context of growing urban population, advances in urban logistics operations and improved local authority planning, especially in the field of the urban freight transport, can alleviate the associated negative environmental and economic impacts occurring in cities.Several types of stakeholders are involved in such urban logistics management processes. Among them, freight carriers and shipp...
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A seamless interaction with the public administration (PA) is crucial to make the daily activities of companies and citizens more effective and efficient, saving time and money in the management of administrative processes. In particular, online public services have an enormous potential for reducing the administrative burden of companies and citizens, as well as for creating saving opportunities ...
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Around 50% of the global population lives in metropolitan areas, and this is expected to grow to 75% by 2050. Mobility within these areas is complex as it involves multiple modalities of transport, multiple managing authorities, as well as several millions of citizens. The cost of inefficiency in transport and mobility are enormous. For example, inefficiency costs the UK economy €5.8 billion each ...
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Make: Learn: Share: Europe

Start date: Nov 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2018,

The Make: Learn: Share: Europe (MLSE) project is a project designed to develop digital skills amongst young people across Europe, in order to assist with learning and enterprise development.The project promotes the free flow of information, skills development and supporting content across a number of European Cities and Institutions by building upon and utilising the physical and intellectual infr...
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ICT guides

Start date: Dec 7, 2015, End date: Sep 6, 2018,

Background/Context: Today EU is far from reaching the 2020 targets and the worsening social situation caused by the economic crisis is undermining the sustainability of social protection systems. Students dropping out of school are an obstacle for smart and sustainable growth for all. If less youngsters drop out and if general educational output is increased this will work against unemployment and...
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Cloud and Internet Services with Open Source Software for SMEs

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Cloud and Internet Services with Open Source Software for SMEs (CISOSS) is a Partnership proposal promoted by the Training Center in ICT of the Directorate General of Vocational Training (Dirección General de Formación) of the Regional Government of Madrid jointly with a plural association, made up of vocational training centers, university and technology companies. The functions that perform thes...
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ICT Challenges in Learning Mobility

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

The project ICT Challenges in Learning Mobility wants to realize 82 learning mobilities addressed to professionals in Vocational Education and Training in 6 EU countries: UK, Spain, Holland, Germany, Finland and Ireland. The staff training mobilities have a strong common denominator consisting in the acquisition of innovative methods and effective use of technologies for teaching, for an innova...
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Reflekterande team

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

Background: Sjumilaskolan with its 500 pupils and 70 staff is a school located in a socially challenged area (Norra Biskopsgården, Gothenburg). Almost all children in Sjumilaskolan have a different mother tongue than Swedish. In North Biskopsgården there is high unemployment, concern with violence, drugs and gang crime and low achievement in school. In recent years, the unrest in the region has in...
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Miniaturisation, progress with energy issues and cost reductions have resulted in rapid growth in deployment of networked devices and sensors, very strongly connecting the internet with the physical world. With wide adoption of smartphones and social media, also people have become key sources of information about the physical world, corresponding events and the intents and plans of many individual...
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Smart CO2 Transformation (SCOT)

Start date: Oct 1, 2013, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

Reducing CO2, protecting the environment and our resources but also reducing dependency on raw materials are major societal challenges. In this context, the EU has adopted ambitious goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 80-95% below 1990 levels by 2050. So far, most attention from policy makers and industry has been paid to Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) which intends to concentrate CO2 an...
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Background of the projects/project goals: For the last years, the overall aim of the projects basically remained the same: The Hansa Berufskolleg Unna aims at involving the European Dimension into vocational qualification. Since 2011 the Hansa Berufskolleg Unna has been allowed to carry the title 'European school' and firmly fixed the European Idea within the school's main programme and has to und...
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AIM: To demonstrate how transnational cooperation has improved the economic viability of NWE cities. regions and communities by managing and developing public areas to enhance their attractiveness to skilled people. visitors and investors. and to help set priorities for future Interreg funding programmes relating to urban development and regeneration. The proposed cluster addresses the programme...
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Start date: Jun 30, 2010, End date: Jun 29, 2015,

Cities throughout North West Europe (NWE) welcome the challenge to increase public involvement in decision-making and planning. However. the major problems facing Europe cannot be addressed using entirely local approaches. This also requires strategic. coordinated responses. VALUE+ will demonstrate how cities can best integrate bottom-up and top-down approaches. It will show how we can both deepen...
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Derelict buildings and empty spaces threaten economic competitiveness, territorial cohesion and performance. SEEDS addresses the urgent need for revised policies and robust EU steer by promoting innovative land-use strategies and modern governance. It develops skills and opportunities for those furthest from labour markets, transforming growth prospects. It tackles changing land-use patterns deman...
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Fieldlab Sport Innovation & Stimulation (PRO-FIT)

Start date: Sep 24, 2009, End date: Dec 29, 2014,

EU-countries are experiencing falling levels of physical activity. which is leading to public health issues (increased levels of obesity. cardiac-vascular disease). Therefore. sports and play are business: in 2006 there was a €45 billion turnover on sport products and equipment alone. However. the potential of the sector is still underexploited. Its innovation capacity is limited. which is related...
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Explore Europe

Start date: Aug 29, 2014, End date: Nov 21, 2014,

This application aims at the integration of the European dimension in vocational training. Since 2011, the Hansa Berufskolleg has been entitled ' European School ' and firmly established the European guiding principle in the school program and all types of curricula. This becomes especially evident in the close co-operation with the local training companies which mainly act on the international ma...
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Internet of Energy for Electric Mobility (IoE)

Start date: May 1, 2011, End date: Oct 31, 2014,

The objective of Internet of Energy (IoE) is to develop hardware, software and middleware for seamless, secure connectivity and interoperability achieved by connecting the Internet with the energy grids. The application of the IoE will be the infrastructure for the electric mobility. The underlying architecture is of distributed Embedded Systems (ESs), combining power electronics, integrated circu...
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To integrate the increasing demand for more houses and other buildings with the increasing need for more and better flood risk management measures in North West European cities along rivers. Objectives to achieve that aim: 1. Awareness: To enhance the awareness and engagement in all aspects of flood risk and the means of managing it at: - the Policy level (politicians/decision makers). - amo...
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Chronic diseases represent for healthcare systems the heaviest cost burden. Aside from the social costs in terms of suffering, they account for 70% on European average of public healthcare systems in the EU. A plethora of ICT based applications have been developed in the last years, allowing to tackle at least partially problems related to specific pathologies. However, even advanced experiences h...
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In the framework of the Lisbon Agenda European cities and regions as key driving forces for regional economical development have made serious efforts to develop eGovernment. This is done to face the major demand and needs for improving openness, cost-efficiency and quality of the public administrations and provision of public services, thus contributing to the regional and national competitiveness...
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North Sea Skills Integration and New Technologies (SKINT)

Start date: Sep 30, 2008, End date: Sep 30, 2012,

The project is focusing on to integrate and create knowledge on different methods to empower water in interdisciplinary urban development and planning processes. The project has significant relevance for national and EU policy evaluation and the project supports the implementation of the Floods Directive (FD) and the Water framework Directive (WFD). The project will develop a SKIN Water portal, wh...
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Making Places Profitable - Public and Private Open Spaces (MP4)

Start date: Aug 31, 2008, End date: Sep 29, 2012,

MP4 focuses on innovative approaches for planning and designing, maintaining and using public places. The project aim is to demonstrate how open space improvements offer positive socio-economic benefits, and how the benefits offered to key communities can be maintained in the long run (place-keeping). In cooperation with key EU policymakers and networks, the project activities illustrate support f...
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Valuing Attractive Landscapes in the Urban Economy (VALUE)

Start date: Jun 30, 2008, End date: Sep 29, 2012,

AIM: To demonstrate the economic value of green infrastructure at the city/region scale and to show how to target green investments to maximise competitive benefits to communities throughout NWE. Green infrastructure* is a valuable part of our urban economy. However. as urbanisation increases throughout NWE. public and private greenspaces are being lost to housing and commercial developments. A ...
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Recent flooding has demonstrated the vulnerability of North Sea Region. Municipalities have an urgent need to reduce flood risk, but lack a framework and the resources. The overarching aim of MARE is to enable widespread implementation of local adaptive measures that mitigate flood risk. The project is focusing on developing a transnational methodology to implement urban Flood Risk Management (FRM...
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Description Novel techniques for generating different layers of intelligenceWeKnowIt aims to develop techniques for exploiting multiple layers of intelligence from user-contributed content, which together constitute Collective Intelligence. The project will provide technology able to support a paradigm shift, establishing a foundation for...
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CSI - Creating a Setting for Investment (CSI)

Start date: Jan 5, 2003, End date: Jun 29, 2008,

The objective of this 6.2 M euro project is to look at how environmental improvements can make metropolitan areas more attractive for investment, with knock on benefits for sustainable development across NW Europe. The four project partners, all regions at different stages of recovery from industrial decline, aim to address issues such as urban sprawl and the unequal competition between metropolit...
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Start date: Sep 30, 2004, End date: Dec 30, 2007,

Cities occupy a pivotal role in advanced European economies, acting as a launch pad for raising productivity and leading the wider renaissance of the regions they are located in. But although EU and national urban policy has placed a great deal of emphasis on dealing with severe deprivation in cities, there is still relatively little evidence about the economic relationship between cities and thei...
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The project is designed to support local eGovernment initiatives, actions and strategies through the exchange and dissemination of information, best practices and successful technical innovations acquired in the partner cities and Europe-wide. The partners aim to enhance the capacities, management skills and technical knowledge of local policy-makers, officials and experts responsible for eGovernm...
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Aim: to systematically inform city policy makers & decision takers of the relative cost-effectiveness of different types of investments by municipalities and their partners in shaping the lifestyle of the community (proximal determinants) and thus reducing the level and burden of disease.Objective 1, to enhance and transfer to European cities an innovative modelling tool, designed to predict the i...
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