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Managing Adaptive Responses to changing flood risk in the North Sea Region (MARE)
Start date: Dec 31, 2008, End date: Dec 30, 2011 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Recent flooding has demonstrated the vulnerability of North Sea Region. Municipalities have an urgent need to reduce flood risk, but lack a framework and the resources. The overarching aim of MARE is to enable widespread implementation of local adaptive measures that mitigate flood risk. The project is focusing on developing a transnational methodology to implement urban Flood Risk Management (FRMP) in four countries. The project will thereby support national policy making related to the European Floods Directive and beyond. The main result will be a transnational methodology for FRM planning applicable in urban environments. Achievements: Recent flooding has demonstrated the vulnerability of North Sea Region. Municipalities have an urgent need to reduce flood risk, but lack a framework and the resources. The project focused on developing a transnational methodology to implement urban Flood Risk Management Plans in four countries.The project thereby supported national policy making related to the European Floods Directive and beyond. The main result was a transnational methodology for Flood Risk Management planning applicable in urban environments. In addition, the focus on long-term perspective on climate change adaptation provided a practical follow-up to the EC green paper on climate change.Documents:WP1 LAA Procedural Guide_MARE_North Sea Region ProgrammeWP1 Learning and Action Alliances_MARE_North Sea Region ProgrammeWP4 Policy development_MARE_North Sea Region ProgrammeWP3 England Sheffield Don Valley_MARE_North Sea Region ProgrammeWP3 England Sheffield central area flood protection_MARE_North Sea Region ProgrammeWP3 Germany Hannover FRM_MARE_North Sea Region ProgrammeWP3 Germany Hannover Neustadt_MARE_North Sea RegionWP3 Norway Bergen Haukas_MARE_North Sea RegionWP3 Norway Bergen Lungegårds lakes_MARE_North Sea Region ProgrogrammeWP2 Climate Proofing Toolbox Overview_MARE_North Sea Region ProgrammeWP3 England Rotherham town centre FMS_MARE_North Sea Region ProgrammeWP3 Dordrecht Wielwijk_MARE_North Sea Region ProgrammeWP3 Dordrecht MLV_MARE_North Sea Region ProgrammeWP2 MARE 3_MARE_North Sea RegionWP2 MARE 1_MARE_North Sea Region ProgrammeWP2 MARE 2_MARE_North Sea Region ProgrammeFor more information please visit:
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  • 45.3%   2 357 750,00
  • 2007 - 2013 North Sea Region
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

14 Partners Participants