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Make: Learn: Share: Europe
Start date: Nov 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Make: Learn: Share: Europe (MLSE) project is a project designed to develop digital skills amongst young people across Europe, in order to assist with learning and enterprise development.The project promotes the free flow of information, skills development and supporting content across a number of European Cities and Institutions by building upon and utilising the physical and intellectual infrastructure available from previous European funded programmes.The members of each city based consortium will feature representation from• Local Government• Learning Institutions • Locally based businesses from the Creative and Digital Sector The aspiration is to create a large scale student ambassador association (14-16 year olds) who will run training for others in schools or local settings. This will be done by organising a series of Training events for young people organised by University Computer Science staff and Small Businesses in the Creative and Digital Industries (CDI) Sector which will be recorded and made openly available. The learning materials connected to these sessions will be openly available and feature a mix of digital video content, written instruction and peer to peer support. These activities will be referred to as ‘Open School Units’.Secondly, local sessions will then be held to train the student ambassadors and finally there will be a local programme of student ambassador delivery to targeted others within their locality. This could be younger children or identified adults.Each regional consortium will agree to identify and support an agreed number of Computer Science Ambassadors, who will be trained by in digital making skills. The young ambassadors involved this will be balanced with a collective ‘Community’ feel to the network which will be further supported by targeted and planned mobilities to different partner countries.
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4 Partners Participants