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"At a time of unprecedented economic and social challenges, the importance of giving all our children a solid start in life by providing high quality early childhood education and care (ECEC) is crucial" (Eurydice and Eurostat Report, "Key Data on Early Childhood Education and Care in Europe", 2014). Looking at researches and analyses from OECD and the European Commission, it is clear that there i...
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Landscape Education for Democracy

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

LED (Landscape Education for Democracy) is an interdisciplinary, international course unit training conceptual thinking, diversity management and intercultural communication for building leadership competence in the spatial planning professions. To meet contemporary needs in spatial planning, we need to rethink design and planning education so that future practitioners will have the knowledge, sk...
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Level up! Workplace Tutor goes Europe

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

The project "Level-up! Workplace Tutor goes Europe" aims at increased professionalisation and improved qualification of in-company VET personnel as one of the key actors of vocational education. It will work at two levels, a) the practitioners level and b) the political level. At the practitioners level, it will provide an outstanding example of innovative training for in-company training personne...
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Skilled Business Leaders for Skilled Europe

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

Research shows that a number of enterprises across the EU (as many as 4 out of 10) are facing the challenge to find job applicants with the right skills. Common types of mismatches in labour markets across the EU include discrepancy between the workforce qualifications and the specific needs of particular sectors and occupations within economies, as well as imbalance between labour market needs an...
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The Enhancing Responsible Research and Innovation through Curricula in Higher Education (EnRRICH) project will build the capacity of staff in higher education to facilitate their students’ development of knowledge, skills and attitudes and competencies in responsible research and innovation, and respond to the research needs of society, particularly underserved civil society organisations (CSOs).I...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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International Learning Platform for Accountancy

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The title of the project is “International Learning Platform for Accountancy (ILPA)”. Accountancy includes Financial Reporting, Auditing of Financial Statements, Financial Statement Analysis and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Reporting. Graduates of a University or Business School with a specialisation in accountancy do need specific competence (knowledge, skills, values, ethics and attitud...
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Jean Monnet Chair in EU Policies

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The main aim of setting up the Jean Monnet Chair in EU Policies is to stimulate wider debate on the future of European integration. The work program is very complex and the different activities have clear synergies. The teaching activities take place in all 3 cycles (BA, MA, postgraduate and doctoral levels). We will have 7 courses within the activities offered by the Chair. (We have also other co...
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As underlined in the recent study of Panteia “Developing the adult learning sector”, “In most countries there is a consensus that quality assurance systems should be developed for the adult learning sector, and especially for the non-formal sector. Most countries are currently developing or revising their legislative framework for adult learning, putting more focus on quality assurance mechanisms....
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BIOFECTOR is an integrated project that develops alternative fertilisation strategies by the use of various bio-effectors (BEs, plant growth promoting microorganisms and natural extraction products). BEs stimulate root growth, solubilise and mineralise sparingly available nutrients, or protect plants from abiotic and biotic stresses. Novel BEs will be isolated, characterized and applied in strateg...
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This is a project for higher education student and staff mobility between Programme Countries and Partner Countries. Please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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The demand for healthier and low-calorie foods is increasing worldwide. Galactooligosaccharides and fructooligosaccharides are considered to be naturally-occuring prebiotics because they can selectively stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria in the colon, and thus, improve host health. These oligosaccharides (OS) also have excellent technological properties regarding to viscosity, stability, ...
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The central objective of ANTICORRP is to investigate and explain the factors that promote or hinder the development of effective anticorruption policies and impartial government institutions. ANTICORRP directly addresses the objective in the Work Program by examining what the causes of corruption are, how corruption can be conceptualized, measured and analysed, what the impact of corruption on s...
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Unemployment, especially long – term unemployment, is one of the main reasons for social exclusion. A lot of long – term unemployed people is formed by women without proper education, living in the countryside. We have almost the same problem in Slovenia, Hungary and Italy. Utilization of farming as a tool for work training and social inclusion of disadvantaged people has increased recently in man...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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Health-related claims and symbols may be potentially influential in supporting informed choice, furthering healthier consumer food choices, and strengthening competitiveness of the European food industry in bringing about food products that support a healthier lifestyle. However, current insights into how health symbols and claims are understood and used in real-world shopping situations are limit...
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WASTECOSMART - Optimisation of Integrated Solid Waste Management Strategies for the Maximisation of Resource Efficiency addresses the priority areas of a “Resource Efficient Europe” and relates to the EcoAP, by boosting innovation based on research and technology development within the field of integrated waste management. Through cross border cooperation and collaborative research activities betw...
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The INSPIRES project aims to contribute to resilient and inclusive labour markets in Europe. It comparatively assesses the resilience and inclusiveness of labour markets in European countries, it identifies innovative policies that have contributed to resilience and inclusiveness and it analyzes strategies of policy learning that facilitate the development and transfer of these innovations within ...
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Creativity for Innovation & Growth in Europe (CRE8TV.EU)

Start date: Feb 1, 2013, End date: Apr 30, 2016,

Creativity is a fundamental transformative mechanism of the European economy. To study this mechanism, this project brings together 11 of Europe’s leading innovation research centres, and is structured around six themes: 1. Mapping and measuring the creative-cultural industries and their impacts; 2. Understanding and modelling creativity and design; 3. Entrepreneurship and industrial dynamics in ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

The Corvinus University of Budapest (CUB) agrees with all the overall priorities of the Erasmus+ (E+) Program announced by the European Commission, and using the opportunities provided in the program, seeks to contribute to the achievement of the objective to create a high level of employment and productivity and strengthen social cohesion in the EU and the member states. CUB defines itself as a r...
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Coordinating for Cohesion in the Public Sector of the Future (COCOPS)

Start date: Jan 1, 2011, End date: Jun 30, 2014,

"The COCOPS project (Coordinating for Cohesion in the Public Sector of the Future) seeks to comparatively and quantitatively assess the impact of New Public Management-style (NPM) reforms in European countries, drawing on a team of leading European public administration scholars. This evidence-based project focuses on the national level and the important policy domains of health and employment ser...
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Economic policy instruments (EPI) have received widespread attention over the last three decades, and have increasingly been implemented to achieve environmental policy objectives. However, whereas EPI have been successfully applied in some policy domains (such as climate, energy and air quality), their application to tackle water management issues (drought/water scarcity, floods, water quality co...
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In Hungary the partnership of 18 institutions (one organisation managing and coordinating EU and educational and training grants, 14 top universities, two research institutes, one Observatory and numerous additional HEIs, science museums, research institutes and research groups joining the consortium as indirect partners) will organise RN 2013 with the aim of enhancing the public recognition of re...
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The three year coordinating action THINK will improve the knowledge support to policy making by the European Commission in the context of the Strategic Energy Technology Plan. THINK is organized around a multidisciplinary group of 24 experts covering five dimensions of energy policy: science and technology, market and network economics, regulation, law, and policy implementation. The Think Tank wi...
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Ubiquitous Participation Platform for Policy Making (UbiPOL)

Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Mar 31, 2013,

UbiPOL aims to develop a ubiquitous platform that allows citizens be involved in policy making processes (PMPs) regardless their current locations and time. It is suggested that the more citizens find connections between their as-usual life activities and relevant policies, the more they become pro-active or motivated to be involved in the PMPs. For this reason, UbiPOL aims to provide context awar...
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The food and drink industry is the single largest manufacturing sector in the EU and is mainly comprised by SMEs and microenterprises (99.1% of European food and drink businesses). The European food industry is in the lower part of the innovation performance ranking, and is losing relative importance in the global food market. This situation was a primary reason for the initiation of the ETP Food4...
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The 6 applicants from HU and SK eligible regions develop a 24 month R+D project with the scope to apply combined innovative procedures to improve the health status and quality of regional Prunus species fruit production. Hungary and Slovakia is considered as endemic centres for the Prunus species viruses. Against the viruses no chemical or biological curative treatments are available, at the momen...
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"AMPHORA is a Europe wide project involving researches and research institutions from 14 European countries, and counterparts and organizations from all 27 Member States, that will provide new scientific evidence for the best public health measures to reduce the harm done by alcohol through addressing social and cultural determinants, marketing and advertising, taxes and pricing, availability and ...
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"The protagonists of the 2012 RN will be researchers and the focus of the event will be on their public recognition. We will make a special effort to provide opportunities for both the public and the researchers to learn and think outside the box and present the truth that are behind stereotypes.Researchers will be at the center of all the individual programmes and of the awareness raising activit...
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The objective of the project « Joint Equipment & Materials for System-in-Package and 3D Integration » is to validate technological solutions for the fabrication of high value-added heterogeneous components and systems.This theme, generally known as “More Than Moore”, intends to gather within a unique system a set of various functions, implemented with elementary components, those generally being f...
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"We will focus on enhancing researchers’ public recognition. Researchers, presented as persons that everyday people can relate to, can draw attention to science; and can make science seen as a casual but interesting adventure. Better understanding science can also lead to improving researchers’ recognition. Thus, the main message of the event will emphasize the human, accessible yet important figu...
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PAthways for Carbon Transitions (PACT)

Start date: Oct 1, 2008, End date: Sep 30, 2011,

Most «business-as-usual scenarios» built up till now have shown that hydrocarbon resources scarcity and the growing release of greenhouse gases will bring the world far away from sustainability over the next decades. Then, deep changes in behaviours away from «BAU» are unavoidable long before the turn of the century in a move towards a post-carbon society. Urbanisation and mobility are probably ...
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"The proposed project will provide EU policy makers with information, data, quantitative instruments (economic models) and empirical expertise on cost of production for various types of agricultural products using the FADN data. More specifically, the purpose is to offer first a general cost of production model that could be used to estimate cost of production for key agricultural commodities prod...
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"Security-centered training course curricula on disaster management for first responders (FR)* in EU member states will be comparatively assessed with a specially developed matrix-based software: (1) for all EU member states (2) as derived from international best practices in the US, Russia, and Israel as countries with extensive experience in this field. The comparative assessment will cover: (a...
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"The 2010 HEURECA Researchers' night will build upon the experience the consortium gained in organizing the event in the previous years. It will actually consist of a further expanded version of the previous events.Partnership will be enlarged by 3 new cooperating bodies joining the 18 experienced partners, and possibly by several non profit organisations and companies having already expressed the...
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Enlargement Network for Agripolicy Analysis (AGRIPOLICY)

Start date: Jun 1, 2008, End date: May 31, 2010,

AgriPolicy builds on the results of the previous FP6 project “CEEC AGRI POLICY” ( which was awarded financial support by DG Research in 2004 following the call FP6-2003-SSP-3. The overall objective of the proposal is to support the formulation of Community agricultural policies. AgriPolicy has 4 specific objectives: 1. Networking and information sharing The objective is to st...
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A Hungarian Night for Researchers 2008 (HUNICITIES 2008)

Start date: Jun 1, 2008, End date: Dec 31, 2008,

The 2008 edition of the Researchers’ Night is an expanded and updated version of the 2007 event. Tempus Public Foundation together with 13 prestigious institutions of the Hungarian higher education and research community - University of Technology and Economics; Corvinus University of Budapest; Eszterházy Károly University; Eötvös Loránd University; Pázmány Péter Catholic University; Szent István ...
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Nowadays most people in the world – for the first time in history – live in urban areas rather than in the countryside. Urban gardens reconcile man with nature. They play important social and didactic functions and often represent an opportunity for learning and socialisation, but also for self-food production: especially for people who are experiencing loneliness, precarious income and underfeedi...
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The MIPAM curriculum development project develops a curriculum for a joint master program in European public administration. The consortium members are universities and institutions from 7 EU countries (Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands) which have many years of experience in higher educational cooperation. These universities train students in public administration a...
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EUE-Net – European University-Enterprise Cooperation - is an initiative to create a European Network able to assemble and to coordinate the efforts towards a better cooperation between universities and enterprises at European level, to disseminate the cooperation models and to promote best practice in Europe. The target groups of the project are graduates, students and learners in European univer...
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