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EUE-Net - European University – Enterprise Network

EUE-Net – European University-Enterprise Cooperation - is an initiative to create a European Network able to assemble and to coordinate the efforts towards a better cooperation between universities and enterprises at European level, to disseminate the cooperation models and to promote best practice in Europe. The target groups of the project are graduates, students and learners in European universities, academic and research staff in European higher education institutions, university leadership, university stakeholders, but also entrepreneurs, professional staff from enterprises, managers and policy makers etc. The partnership of this project was carefully designed starting from the previous partnership of EUI-Net that was filtered from passive partners and enriched with very active Universities, enterprise associations and enterprises to cover the Erasmus countries and secure the achievement of the project objectives. The project has the following objectives: • Increasing the presence of the entrepreneurs within the University activities by design, experiment and promotion of appropriate innovative mobility schemes involving entrepreneurs • Tuning Entrepreneurship - Defining generic entrepreneurial skills for the students and best profile of teachers in order to enhance the entrepreneurial approach within the University Sector. • Enhancing the Quality of practical placements of students, by development of a quality standard for quality of practical placement in enterprises • Development and networking at European level the University entities having as natural vocation the link between University and Enterprise: Network of Career Development Offices. Following these goals the project workplan is structured on 4 technical workpackages and three horizontal workpackages for dissemination and exploitation, Network sustainability and management.

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30 Partners Participants