Unternehmer ohne Grenzen e.V.
Looking for Partnership
The organisation have been successfully implementing projects in the fields of business start-ups, business consulting and training as well as education and parental advisory for the last 19 years. The association’s work focuses on strengthening the local economy, the promotion of business start-ups, particularly of people with a migrant background, as well as the participation of women in economic life.
Unternehmer ohne Grenzen promotes the creation of networks at local and regional level. Therefore the association acts as a link between companies and public institutions, chambers and local authorities. Particular attention is paid to the business start-ups and entrepreneurship of women.
We are currently looking for Projects/Consortia to join in submitting a proposal in the various fields of our competence and expertise. We are currently not in the position to act as a Lead Partner; however, we could contribute in the proposal development.
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Entrepreneurship and SMEs
Start Up
Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF)
Education and Training
Migrants and Refugees
5 years ago
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