Dr. Cormac Walsh
Nov 25, 2020
About Me
Dr. Cormac Walsh is an independent researcher and consultant, living in Hamburg in Northern Germany. He is a Senior Research Associate of the International Centre for Local and Regional Development (ICLRD), a research and policy partnership focussed on spatial planning and regional development on the island of Ireland.
He is an interdisciplinary social science researcher with extensive postdoctoral experience in fundamental and applied research. Trained as a geographer and spatial planner, he has extensive expertise in the fields of regional development, spatial planning and environmental management . At the core of his work is a keen interest in fostering evidence-informed dialogue among research, policy and practice stakeholders.
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Ideas in Progress
Metropolitan Governance and Urban-Rural Relations: Shifting Perceptions, Creating Opportunities
Fisheries and Food
Marine and Coast
Rural Development
Regional Policy
Cohesion Policy
Cross-border cooperation
Climate Sciences
Territorial Cooperation
Successful metropolitan (or city-regional) governance requires strategic planning, effective integration across policy sectors and perhaps most importantly, cooperation between cities and their peri-urban hinterlands. Recent decades a shift from inward-oriented city-regional governance focussed on infrastructure provision and the land-use planning to an outward orien...
Norderstedt, Germany
4 years ago
4 years ago
Fisheries and Food
Marine and Coast
Rural Development
Regional Policy
Cohesion Policy
Cross-border cooperation
Climate Sciences
Territorial Cooperation
Coastal protection and management represents a task of vital importance for many coastal communities and authorities. Indeed, coastal protection is a prerequisite for settlement and economic development for many coastal areas.
The coastal regions of the Netherlands and Germany look back on a long tradition of coastal defence, with massive investments in dike-building, drainage of mars...
Norderstedt, Germany
4 years ago
4 years ago
Protected Area Management and Sustainable Regional Development: Fostering New Relationships
Fisheries and Food
Marine and Coast
Rural Development
Regional Policy
Cohesion Policy
Cross-border cooperation
Climate Sciences
Territorial Cooperation
Protected area management has a long history in Europe and North America with the first US National Park established in 1872 at Yellowstone followed by the first National Parks in Europe in 1909 (Sweden) and 1914 (Switzerland). Whereas the primary focus has traditionally centred on the preservation of areas of ‘untamed’ and ‘pristine’ wilderness, conservation objectives ...
Norderstedt, Germany
4 years ago
4 years ago
Fisheries and Food
Marine and Coast
Rural Development
Regional Policy
Cohesion Policy
Cross-border cooperation
Climate Sciences
Territorial Cooperation
With EU Member States working to complete their marine spatial plans by March 2021, as required by EU directive, it is currently a time of intensive activity concerning spatial planning at sea. At a broad policy level, multiple interests and priorities from wind energy and the ‘blue economy’ to shipping and oil and gas pipelines, marine biodiversity and climate change adaptation are...
Norderstedt, Germany
4 years ago
4 years ago
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