Gunnar Binda
Looking for Partnership Looking for Extra EU Funds
Teacher for process modelling with ARIS Architect, database development (ERM, Chen Notation, Bachmann Notation, Normalization, SQL, programming with VBA, controlling and analytics with EXCEL
Lecturer for project management for the University of Applied Science Hamburg
ECVET Expertteam Germany,
Member of the working group "PAS 1093" Competence modelling for Human Resource Development.
Project development for all aspects of VET, Consultant for the Implementation of dual Elements in VET, development of mobility as qualification measure using work process analyzes and competence analyzes
Current project ROI MOB, Return on Investment EU VET Mobility
SWORD - Implementing dual elements in VET
SET APP - developing tools for the improvement of VET by new dual approaches
Keywords and matching areas:
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Entrepreneurship and SMEs
Capacity Building
Digital Agenda for Europe
Project Development
Migrants and Refugees
Artificial Intelligence
4 years ago
Construction Industry
Entrepreneurship and SMEs
Capacity Building
Construction Technology
Digital Agenda for Europe
Project Development
Migrants and Refugees
Artificial Intelligence
5 years ago
Construction Industry
Entrepreneurship and SMEs
Capacity Building
Construction Technology
Digital Agenda for Europe
Project Development
Migrants and Refugees
Artificial Intelligence
5 years ago
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