The Foundation for Innovation, Technology and Transfer of Knowledge
Looking for Partnership Looking for Consultant Looking for Extra EU Funds
The Foundation is a private and independent organization whose purpose is primarily to and advise young people in the field of robotics, technological and social and development of technological and social innovations, through networking and partnership development with educational and research institutions, small and medium-sized enterprises, public institutions and civil society actors in the CEE region as a task that FITT recognizes and continuously works on achieving the set goals.
Projects in progress
The Foundation for innovation, technology and knowledge transfer established the cooperation with the DKR – German Center for Robotics which was started as a project, supported and co-financed by the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development – BMZ.
The main goal of the cooperation is education (training and retraining) and forming of professional staffs in the field of robotics, where diverse services on different levels will be offered and which are adjusted to the needs of the users, on the newest systems of KUKA and ABB.
In Bosnia and Herzegovina, students from various universities and faculties meet with a lack of opportunities for practical application of acquired knowledge, especially when it comes to automation and robotics, as the growing economic need. The reason for this lies in the emphasis on theoretical study frameworks, the insufficient infrastructure of the higher education institutions itself, and the lack of Know-how. As automation and robotics are introduced into all spheres of production processes, the necessity of adequate education is increasing. Practical experience, as well as an encounter with the possible work environment, through the realization of this project, helped students to improve their personal competencies, which would help them to enter the labor market more easily.
From all the above, it follows that the goal of this project is the education of students enrolled in technical faculties throughout Western Balkan. Networking will enable the creation of innovative ideas that can greatly improve the economy in BiH and region.
Through CEE FREIRAUM project young startups will have an opportunity to get sufficient knowledge and skills about a foreign market entry. Throughout this project, candidates will get professional support, monitoring and assistance in developing their business plans and ideas.
They´ll have a chance to get a support from international investors and big companies all around the world as well as opportunity to present ideas and startups in the biggest summits in Europe and the World.
We´re following young startups and innovation. The goal is to find the right startups, technologies, and trends relevant to the international market, investors, and companies.
We’re working to improve awareness and understanding of what makes startup´s accelerators successful, as well as directly supporting great ideas, startups, innovation, and specific programs. Through this process, specific incubators and universities will be supported.
Foundation for innovation, of technology and knowledge transfer in cooperation with the Center for Social Work, by the end of 2018 will realize project training activities in the field of programming the latest industrial KUKA and ABB robots as well as business skills. The project “Leaders of Social and Technological Innovation within Industry; aims at the acquisition of skills within Robotics and Mechatronics by young people coming from Center for Social Work and Home for Children with no parental care.
Since robotization became present in Bosnia and Herzegovina, it is considered that knowledge in this area is faster and easier to open the way for employment.
Participants can take part in free courses at the 3rd grade of high school (machine- and electrical school) and natural-mathematics, computer, machine, and electrotechnical faculty students.
Operating robot Basic is an entry-level course who is intended for candidates who don’t have any knowledge or skills in the field of robotics. Candidates who successfully complete the BASIC course will be competent to independently operate industrial robots, calibrate robots, create control programs based of command forms, as well as editing of existing programs. At the end of the project, candidates will receive a DKR certificate.
Trainings and education will take place on a pre-arranged schedule and will last 4h every 15 days in the premises of the DKR German Robotics Center in Tuzla. Also, candidates will have the opportunity to actively participate in two Open Space Events, where the benefits of starting their own business will be presented.
The project “Leaders of Social and Technological Innovation within Industry; is co-funded by the Kinderperspectief Foundation from Holland.
For a new awakening, Europe needs an impulse. The Economy, administration, and education act as motors for a peaceful development and prosperity. A powerful and networked economy enables Europe to form a unity and to bring the organization, cities, and countries together.
Transcultural collaboration starts between humans.
People in Bosnia and Herzegovina need adequate opportunities for acquiring professional skills, ready to launch, to run them successfully on the domestic and international markets.
Co-Create Europe is a project that aims to connect the Bosnian-Herzegovinian experience and knowledge with German experience and knowledge in the DKR German Robotics Center based in Tuzla.
The idea is to educate technically educated people living in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as educating people who have completed certain technical faculties.
Companies from Europe can upskill their staff through content related trainings combined with an intercultural experience. Munich companies who dispatch their employees for an advanced training to Tuzla enable through each participant in our tandem program a similar apprenticeship to a trainee in Bosnia. Resulting out of this is a strong networking partnership which leads to a transcultural surplus.