fea - Forestry and Environmental Action
Mar 24, 2021
Looking for Partnership Looking for Extra EU Funds
About Me
FEA is a regional non-governmental network, with two offices in Sarajevo and Belgrade, established in 2007 in Bosnia and Herzegovina, with the main purpose of advancing the state of the environment and forests in the SEE region. As a network of agricultural, environmental and forestry expert members and volunteers who work together to help build societies that responsibly manage their natural resources, we have provided practical and professional support for several development initiatives in the field of environmental activism.
The most important areas of FEA’s operations to date are:
- the transition from government to governance and enhanced democracy in the management of natural resources and protected areas,
- responsible management of natural resources and sustainable, environmentally-sound and rural development,
- support to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),
- implementation of international multilateral environmental agreements (United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification - UNCCD, United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity- UNCBD and United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change - UNFCCC),
- empowering women, young people, and rural communities.
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