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SEND is a job agency and international mobility centre, accredited in 2014 by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies and by the Sicilian Region, Regional department for labour, to implement job services (employment, vocational guidance and training activities).
For those looking for a job SEND organizes individual and group paths on study/working orientation and career guidance, and in particular:
Career Guidance: support to conscious and independent choice of studies, training and career; realization of "Balance of competencies" in order to develop a professional project through specific analysis of personal and professional characteristics to be carried out in Italy or abroad;
Support to active job search: preparation of curriculum vitae to clearly and fully describe personal, training and professional experiences, (in Italian and English); support to drafting a cover letter for an effective self-application; simulation and preparation for job interviews (how to deal with, what types, how to respond to frequently asked questions), analysis of Italian and foreign formal, informal, on-line job search channels;
Job matching: registration in to our database and taking charge of the users and publication of professional profiles on the major national and international labour portals for job supply / demand. Promotion of professional profiles of the users to the companies included in our database and specific research for new ones;
Internships in Italy and abroad: setting up internships and traineeships within Erasmus + and ESF international mobility programmes, to acquire new skills in order to foster the employability of individuals (VET learners – higher education students – VET schools and University staff - NEET – Unemployed people) and facilitate them to enter in the European labour market.
Seminars on contemporary job market: insights on change occurring into the job market, information meetings on type of contracts and different features. Analysis of the Italian and European labour market and guidance to the new self-employment contracts and opportunities (ie, freelance, new VAT numbers, start up, co-worker)
Job and discrimination: guidance, counselling and job placement for disadvantaged groups at risk of discrimination in the workplace.
SEND is a EUROGUIDANCE contact point - Network of National Dissemination for publications and documentation of vocational guidance and transnational mobility. The network aims at: promoting mobility for study and training in Europe, helping guidance counsellors and individual users to a better understanding of the opportunities available in the European Union; develop a European dimension.
For the realisation of its activities SEND relies on the support and competences of an experienced skilled staff and on the collaboration of temporary workers and trainees/interns according to the development of specific activities. The team deals with services, activities and projects developed under direct and indirect funding: LLP, ERASMUS +, ERASMUS for Young Entrepreneurs, ESF, National and International Foundations programs. Our project managers and tutors are mainly skilled in career guidance and study orientation, job matching and recruitment, supporting company tutors’ in the definition of the individual internship program and providing support for logistics, cultural and linguistic programs, tutoring of participants during the internship programs as well as the study and company visits both at local and international level and on research on different topics related to social innovation and job guidance and placement.
The working team is formed by 9 paid human resources and 3/5 trainees/interns are normally included inside this group, who change regularly.
In the past two years SEND has developed social innovation projects focusing on job guidance and services for employability aimed at migrants and unaccompanied minors’ migrants, thanks to national projects funded by government agency and private foundations.
SEND is the coordinator of “In Gioco” project, funded by the “2017 Immigration Initiative” held by the Italian Foundation “Fondazione con il sud”, in which peer to peer counselors were trained to work at guidance corners created in formal and non-formal places frequented by migrants. Through “In gioco” project a social enterprise was also created, managed by “Giocherenda”, a collective of young migrants who arrived in Italy as unaccompanied minors. An active policy was also developed, centered on the possibility that migrants find a job in the education and childcare sector.
SEND is the coordinator of “SAAMA” project, funded by the initiative “Never Alone, for a possible tomorrow” held by a group of italian foundations, in which SEND and his partner developed a strategy to accompany minors migrants to autonomy, with specific actions for employability and business awareness on welcoming and training young migrants.
As a job agency accredited by the Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policies, SEND carried out the programme “Percorsi: integrated pathways for socio-employment inclusion of Unaccompanied Foreign Minor” in which we activated 40 pathways, obtaining positive results in terms of transformation of traineeships into employment contracts. The same occurred with “Harraga guys” project, in which SEND coordinated the action for job placement and experimented for the first time vocational training courses for youngsters attending the CPIA Provincial Centres for Adult Education in Palermo.
As a job agency SEND also manages active labour market italian policies including activities aimed at minors arriving alone in Italy (“Avviso 19”: Actions for the employability of people with disabilities, vulnerabilities and at risk of exclusion; “Avviso 22” Extra-curricular internships).
SEND has developed guidance tools focused on the specific needs of migrant minors by presenting them in October 2017 at the International Conference of the Italian Society for Guidance “Counseling and Support – Decent work, equity and inclusion: password for the present and the future”. SEND is one of the promoters of the Manifesto for welcoming training promoted by the EPALE Italy Unit of Indire, a document that proposes a strategy for linking and monitoring training aimed at migrants and applicants for international protection.
SEND has improved its cooperation with local and national partners including different shelters in Palermo, non-profit organizations, foundations, schools, and in particular CPIA Provincial Centres for Adult Education.
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Capacity Building
Social Innovation
Disadvantaged People
Education and Training
Youth Workers
4 years ago
Capacity Building
Social Innovation
Disadvantaged People
Education and Training
Youth Workers
5 years ago
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