Naka no profit
Looking for Partnership
NaKa comes from the idea and will of a group of 5 Sicilians professionals engaged in the field of human rights, education and in the fight against violence and discrimination in any form to create an open space in Palermo. A space in which to think and rethink the methodologies and the practices implemented in the most at risk and vulnerable neighborhood of the ;
Naka’s goal is to be the advocate of innovative practices and methodologies that gather new experiences or good practices implemented inside the european union and not only in a global concept (from global to local), in which the thought and the global initiative are rethought and reproducted at a local level, without forgetting the context, background and the target of reference.
Our area of first interest is non-formal and informal education. We are strongly convinced that to build the foundations of positive active citizenship and a truly European community, we need to start from the concept of education and fill those areas that formal education cannot and must not take on.
We set ourselves in clear opposition to the political ideals and messages that are increasingly spreading in Europe and in Italy, that finding fertile ground in discriminatory ideologies and in hatred of those considered different. We are against all forms of violence and discrimination, of all kinds and against every subject, we also strongly believe that values such as empathy, solidarity, respect for others should be "taught" and cultivated, not only by the educational institutions or families. For this reason and all the reasons mentioned above, NaKa's aim in the medium term will be to instill these values, the positive values of European Union, and to seek new ways for young people. Not only through the opening of a youth center, that is a physical open place where not only children and young people but also adults, parents and the whole community can feel part of it, can learn, discover and give practical shape to those values. It will be also a space for building skills, space of support and space to design with and for the whole community.
After exploring this, NaKa have as target group young and very young people, leaving open the will to interact and work with all the members who make up and make the community.
- rethink and return to work as having social impact by starting from the neighborhoods in a local to national vision that can be through the cooperation of different entities.
-fighting discrimination and violence of any forms.
- youth space that includes young and very young
- moms and parenting support but also planning for and with their children
- Combating discrimination, always supporting human rights and against all forms of violence
- to create networks of organizations working together and being a point of reference for the community