Interested in Strategic Parnership.

4 years ago


Non Profit


Looking for Partnership

Looking for Lead Partner

Hello! SEND is a job agency and international mobility centre, accredited in
2014 by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies and by the Sicilian
Region, Regional department for labour, to implement job services
(employment, vocational guidance and training activities).
The association works mainly to foster the connection between Sicily
and the European area, through cooperation with schools,
universities, non-profit organizations, SMEs and public
administrations. SEND intervenes with its activities and projects in
several sectors of production and service and on topics related to
employability, job guidance, social innovation, social inclusion
education and training, job placement, European mobility putting into
mutual relationship the local context with the European one.


We are interested in strategic ;

 Capacity Building
 Social Innovation
 Disadvantaged People
 Education and Training
 Youth Workers

Looking for a partnership?
Have a look at
Ma Région Sud!

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