Pedra Angular
Looking for Partnership
Pedra Angular is a Portuguese non-profit, cultural and scientific association founded in 1996. It aims to study, safeguard and enhance the environmental, cultural and scientific heritage of Alentejo, highlighting monuments, landscapes, sites, museums, collections, libraries, archives, galleries and intangible cultural assets.
The Terras Sem Sombra Festival, a core activity of the organisation, is a civil society initiative that aims to contribute to make accessible to all the remarkable artistic and cultural tradition of the region, present in historical centres and monuments, landscapes, crossing it with protected areas and species, gastronomy and local products of excellence. Its statutes emphasize the sustainable development and irradiation of this territory, in particular in the fields of artistic creation and programming, biodiversity conservation, technological innovation, scientific dissemination and social support.
Expertise: transdisciplinarity, traditional and contemporary culture, society in science, festival organisation
We are looking forward of becoming partners in Creative Europe projects which aim to broaden collective knowledge and human capacity in areas such as Music, Biodiversity and Culture.
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Rural Development
Cultural heritage
7 years ago
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