Punta Umbria City Hall
Looking for Partnership
Punta Umbría is a city of the region of Andalusia, which main economic activities are fishing and tourism. Punta Umbria has a great natural wealth with three protected spaces by Spanish Laws: the Lagoon of El Portil, the Place of the Junipers, and the Marshes of the Odiel, declared by UNESCO as a biosphere reserve. At present, the local government seeks to encourage the social and economic relations of the municipality, and the strategy is putting into value some historical aspects of the city. The presence of the english businessmen of the Rio Tinto Company Limited in Punta Umbria's Rest Houses are very well known, the same as its architecture in all the city. In addition to this, in 2018 Punta Umbría will commemorate the 75th anniversary of the MinceMeat Operation, and the discovery of the body of the Commander of the Royal Marines, William Martin.
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7 years ago
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