EOLAS provides services and support to all enterprises, organisations and entities with demands in the field of the design and management of projects. The company offers services related to the definition of strategies to obtain funding and grants (international, European, national and regional) and accompanies the whole process, from the conceptual and design phase up to the management and closing of the project.
EOLAS is founded by a team of professionals with more than 15 years of experience in idea generation, business development and innovation, identification of financing schemes, proposal preparation, partner search and management of international, European, national and regional projects. It combines the knowledge and experience of in the field of economics and enterprise organization with engineering, allowing the company to integrate both the technical coordination as well as the economic aspects of project management. The team members have been involved in different projects during this time, acting as project manager in close to 120 projects from a large variety of different funding programmes.
Since its creation EOLAS has managed proposals for 35 different calls with an overall budget for all proposals of 25 million euro, and has provided partners for over 70 EU projects from different funding programmes, such as Erasmus+, Horizon2020, Life Long Learning, Progress, FP7, Interreg, Erasmus Entrepreneurship and CIP, amongst others