Orkhan Rasulov
Looking for Partnership Looking for Consultant Looking for Extra EU Funds
Short info about us:
My partners from Azerbaijan have significant potential in the fields of physics/science and education. They represent both the Academic structure and the SME. Colleagues specialize in silicon-based optical detectors, where they have excellent concepts of structures and working samples, and they are also the authors and pioneers of SIPM (silicon photomultiplier). They also have excellent knowledge of radiation detectors and research. The following achievements can be considered confirmation of my words:
- more than 40 scientific publications in cited journals over the past 10 years,
- more than 20 participations in international conferences and meetings over the past 5 years,
- 6 patents for photodetector concepts,
- successfully completed more than 15 international and local scientific projects,
- Leading 2 main laboratories in Azerbaijan in the field of radiation detectors.
We are looking for improvements and great partnerships and exploring new opportunities, including Education and Training. If my letter seems interesting to you, I will be glad to hear from you.