Roberta Calcina
I am an expert project manager and consultant with over 10 years experience in the field of European projects, mainly dealing with sustainable transport and mobility.
I have started working in this field as consultant, being in charge of different sustainable mobility projects (support to partner and/or LP) funded within the Alpine Space Programme, Italy-Austria, Italy-Greece, Cadses, Archimed in the programming period 2000-2006.
I worked as programme manager responsible for the priority axis on accessibility during the programming period 2007-2013 (ended in December 2015) within the JTS of the transnational cooperation programme Southeast Europe, based in Budapest, with over 600 projects evaluated, 40 projects monitored during the 8 years, with an extensive network of relevant organisation in the region.
I went back to consultancy in 2016 supporting regional and local administrations in Italy, Hungary and the UK for developing proposals for different INTERREG programmes (CBC , transnational and interregional) and CIVITAS, in the field of sustainable transport, cycling, SUMP and road safety.
I am external assessor for different INTERREG programmes, supporting the Joint Secretariats in the evaluation of strategic relevance and operational quality of sustainable mobility and transport projects.
I also founded and chair an NGO aiming at promoting sustainable and active mobility and urban place making at local level, that carries out awareness raising activities for and with the citizens, projects with the local public administrations, studies