IdomSoft Ltd.
Looking for Partnership Looking for Extra EU Funds
Tenders we are interested in at the moment as consortium partners:
- DEP:
- European Digital Identity and Trust Ecosystem (Standards and Sample Implementation)
- Support to the implementation of the Once Only Technical System under the Single Digital Gateway Regulation
- Interoperable Europe Policy Support
- HE:
- HORIZON-CL3-2023-BM-01-03: Beyond the state-of-the-art “biometrics on the move” for border checks
- HORIZON-CL3-2024-BM-01-02: Advanced user-friendly, compatible, secure identity and travel document management
IdomSoft Ltd. (), as a state-owned company, plays a leading role in the development, integration, installation and operation of IT systems of national importance. We have unique experience in developing high-security governmental IT systems, as well as IT systems for protected documentary, creating central registers with complex relations and big data volumes. We are also experienced in the processment of personal data in accordance with relevant legal rulings. In addition, we are prepared for providing further IT services, like IT and public administration management consultancy, IT system design and implementation, hardware and software selection, operation of IT systems and providing related service activity. Our company had a significant role in major eGov IT development projects of relevance to Hungarian citizens.
The Hungarian Secure Digital Society Innovation Cluster was established in 2021 with the aim of providing an efficient and effective cooperation platform to professional organizations leading the development of digital public administration and digital transition in Hungary. The management tasks of the Cluster are performed by the Innovation and Research Team of IdomSoft Ltd. The operation is financed by the Infocommunications and Information Technology National Laboratory (InfoLab ), a project of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NKFIH ). Within the framework of the InfoLab project, at the development of digital public administration is ongoing, and the Cluster cooperation is also a sub-project.
The founding members of the Cluster are the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME ), the ELKH Institute for Computer Science and Control (SZTAKI ), the National Infocommunications Service Ltd. (NISZ ) and IdomSoft Ltd. (IDOM ). Regular member are the Special Service for National Security (NBSZ ), the National Police Headquarters (ORFK ), the Health Informatics Service and Development Center Ltd. (ESZFK ), the National Directorate General for Disaster Prevention (OKF ) and the National Public Service University (NKE ). The cooperating partner is the MFOI Advisory (MFOI ).
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Consortium partnership in HE and DEP and other tenders regarding e-Gov RDI
Infrastructure and Public Service Provider
Horizon Europe
European Union
1 year ago
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