Dr. Józon Mónika (Associate Professor) at Sapientia - Hungarian University of Transylvania
I am associate professor of EU law from Hungary, teaching EU law at the Sapientia-Hungarian University of Transylvania in Romania (). I also work as freelance consultant in EU funded projects in the field of EU Internal Market law with focus on EU consumer law and policy. I participated in the past in other areas of law as well as project consultant, such as environmental law, public utilities law, judicial cooperation.
In the field of consumer law and policy my research activity covers consumer loans, unfair contract terms law, unfair commercial practices, product safety and agrifood safety, products liability, Green Deal for consumers (the role of consumer law in the transition to circular economy), judicial cooperation in the field of European Private Law (consumer private law).
I am looking for short term and long term assignments in regulatory projects and legal assessment projects as EU expert or as country expert for Hungarian law and Romanian law. I speak Hungarian, English, German, Romanian.
Past projects in the field of EU consumer law: Study for the preparation of an Implementation Report of the General Product Safety Directive (JUST/2019/CONS/FW/CO04/0047 (2019/05); Ex-post evaluation of the Programme of Community Action in the field of consumer policy 2007-13 and the mid-term evaluation of the Consumer Programme 2014-2020 (DG JUST); Study for the Fitness Check of EU Consumer and Marketing Law (DG JUST) (2016-2017);
Selected publications in the field of consumer law in English:
Mónika Józon, Romania (Chapter 8), in Daniel Busch, Matthias Lehmann (eds.) Unfair Terms in Banking and Financial Contracts, Oxford University Press, (forthcoming, June 2023).
Mónika Józon, Article 12 TFEU, in Hermann Josef Blanke, Stelio Mangiameli (eds.) Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union – A Commentary, Vol. I, Springer, 2021, pp. 317-331.
Mónika Józon, Judicial governance in the EU in the field of unfair contract terms law: proposal for a new research agenda for policy and doctrine, EUROPEAN REVIEW OF PRIVATE LAW 4/2020, pp. 909-930.
Mónika Józon, The methodology of judicial cooperation in unfair contract terms law, in Fabrizio Cafaggi, Stephanie Law (eds.) Judicial Cooperation in European Private Law, Edward Elgar Publishing, (2017) pp. 129-166.
Mónika Józon, Unfair contract terms law in Europe in times of crisis: Substantive justice lost in the paradise of proceduralisation of contract fairness, JOURNAL OF EUROPEAN CONSUMER AND MARKET LAW 4: 6 pp. 157-166 (2017)
Mónika Józon, Country Report Hungary, in H –W. Micklitz, Irina Domurath (eds.) Consumer Debt and Social Exclusion in Europe, New York, Routledge, (2015) pp. 85-98.
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