Municipality of Elbasan
Looking for Partnership
Elbasan is one of the largest cities in Albania and lies in the central part of the country. Its area size is km2 and the total population is 212,628 habitant in 120m elevation from the sea ;
The Municipality of Elbasan is a local government responsible for municipal policies in the direction of public relations, citizen information and the provision of legal support on the acts and activities of the municipality based on the principles of justice, equality, transparency and moral integrity.
The strategic objectives are based on the development policies of the Municipality through studies of problems and community needs, five strategic objectives have been developed, these aim to guide and focus the municipality`s development over the coming years. To make this strategic objectives achievable, specific, and monitorable, assessment indicators have been specified for each strategic objective. The following Strategic Objectives are:
- Sustainable economic development
- Protection and regeneration of natural resources
- Improvement of mobility infrastructure
- Promotion of agriculture and livestock
- Mitigating social disparities
The multifaceted energy and ability given by the University, numerous NGO-s, the central location and the aspiration of municipal public administration makes the Municipality of Elbasan a serious potential to cooperate with European partners.
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Capacity Building
Social Affaires and Inclusion
Youth Exchanges
Cultural heritage
Visual Arts
Europe for Citizens
European Politics
Human Rights
4 years ago
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