Klaipeda city municipality Immanuel Kant Public Library
Looking for Partnership
Established in 1920, Klaipeda City Municipality Immanuel Kant Public Library has played a major role in the education and connection of communities of Klaipėda city.
Klaipeda City Municipality Public Library is a budgetary institution and currently there are 16 departments with the total 3875 total area of libraries.
The mission is to create modern libraries close to Klaipeda people, where each pedestrian has equal opportunities to conveniently use all kinds of universal information resources to meet cultural, recreational, self-education and lifelong learning needs. The library is open to all Lithuanian and foreign citizens.
The Klaipėda City Municipality Public Library invites citizens to use documents and services. Around 24 thousand Klaipėda residents visit the library 489 thousand times a year, they are issued over 728 thousand documents. A fund of 350,000 documents has been accumulated, 114 public Internet jobs have been created, and over 140 events are being organized.
The library is a participant of the Lithuanian Integrated Library Information System (LIBIS). Since 1998, document collection, cataloging, management, accounting processes have been carried out in the LIBIS program. Since September 2004 the implementation of the LIBIS reader subsystem has started.
The library has 75 employees, including 55 professional librarians.
Strategy of the organization:
By implementing various projects Klaipeda City Municipality Immanuel Kant Public Library seeks to develop a wide and unique attitude towards library. In the 21st century libraries have a different prism o look ; Libraries are becoming more as a community centers rather than just a buildings for the books. Moreover libraries are one of the bets information and education centers (and the great perception built by the collections of books and press do act in the best advocacy). Our strategy is to continue this perception and envision society about the libraries, educate, initiate, share and be a welcoming place for initiatives, knowledge and share.
Object of the organization:
To be a welcoming place for anyone seeking for knowledge enlightment, know-how, sharing and participation in the socially important activities.
Aims of the organization:
1. To be welciming and egaging place for knowledge;
2. To share and initiate socially valuable ideas;
3. Share and support gender equality message;
4. Represent, implement and support social integrity;
5. To support and initate social iniciatives;
6. To engage and initate the heritage preservation events and ideas;
7. Ecourage and support employess self- actualization;
8. Implement and encourage sustainable ideas and initiatives;
9. Be a represantational place for public events and community gatherings;
10. To participate and support interdisciplinary and international events and initiatives.
Ideas we are seeking to develop: We are seeking to develop international, high impact projects for:
1. Social education regarding equal rights, literacy, heritage, art, innovations for societal dialogue and empowerment;
2. Literacy of society, regarding broader or more specific topics and areas; communication about writers, support in young writers activities.
3. Youth empowerment via the prism of communication, partnership, events and creative solutions.
4. Social engagement of various societal groups regarding social debates tackling different human right topics.
5. Sustainability dialogues, sharing good practices, installations and other creative expression tools.
6. Other topics and ideas within the scope of our competences.
Projects developed:
1. “Stained glass in the interiors of Klaipėda public buildings: the history and the present”.
2. “Expulsion” of evil or experiential self-help.
3. “Interactive library”.
4. “LEGOland in the library - for creative and smart children”.
5. “Library for the community: inspired by (dis)ability”.
; “Monumental paintings in architectural labyrinths: past and present”.
; “(Not)forgotten city”.