Education, Research & Consultancy Center
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Education, Research & Consultancy Center (ERCC) was founded in the year 2006 as the consortium of higher education lecturers with the aim to provide research, consultancy and training for enterprises, non-governmental organizations and public institutions. ERCC professionals and freelance trainers conduct practical workshops mainly on the following topics – effective communication (Public Communication, Social Media Communication & Etiquette), Hospitality, Leadership in Schools, Management of Non-governmental and Volunteer organisations, Fundraising and Project management, Psychological topics (Time Management, Stress Management and etc). Also the members of ERCC team have long experience (since 1999) with national and international projects, funded by European Union different programmes and provide consultancy as well as trainings about project management from the initial phase of project idea till the final steps of project – preparation of reports and valorisation project products.
Since organisation is established by 2 professionals with different educational background, accordingly ERCC activities are divided into the following directions:
- History and culture of Lithuania (focus is on ethnographic region of Lithuania Minor), tourism (putting stress on cultural tourism and innovative tourism), civil society issues, Lithuania in ;
- Psychology, career counselling, work with socially and geographically disadvantaged people, mental health, dog theraphy.
The psychologists of ERCC also work with mentally disabled people, they provide for pupils vocational guidance. In 2011-2013 it was implemented Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation project “Appropriate Provisions for Students with Behavioural Problems and Psychiatric Disorders”. Psychologists from 6 European countries prepared the manual for pedagogues dealing with mentally disordered youngsters. At the moment psychologists of ERCC are working on Erasmus+ KA2 project about dog ;
From the very beginning of its activity till now our team works with mobility groups from Southern Europe. For foreign interns ERCC organizes internships in accordance with sending organization’s programme and project aims. ERCC accepted over 100 trainees under Leonardo da Vinci mobility projects and over 30 VET students under Erasmus+ KA1 projects. Possible fields of internships: maritime, car mechanics, tourism, sewing, inclusive education and other.
Since 2010 ERCC started to work for tourism sector. We are organizing guided tours in Western Lithuania for groups of foreigners, local tourists, and individuals, pupils groups from schools in Lithuanian, Russian, English and German ;
From 2013 till 2015 ERCC together with partners from Italy, United Kingdom, Austria and Bulgaria ERCC implemented Grundtvig Learning Partnership project “In Green Shape – Tourist Healthy and Sustainable Itineraries”, according to which ERCC created 3 touristic healthy routes in Western Lithuania.
Also ERCC makes efforts to cope with seasonal tourism problems, which are very actual in Lithuania and requires special attention in order to reduce outcomes of seasonal flows of tourists. Together with Nordic and Baltic partners we are implemented Nordplus Adult project “Seasonal Tourism Challenges in Nordic and Baltic countries” and established Sustainable and Innovative Tourism Network of Nordic and Baltic Countries. ERCC is coordinator of this network.
By participating in European projects ERCC is especially interested in improving its capability to organise VET internships (mobilities) as well as to know, experience and learn new adult learning methods (for example, theather method, peer learning or World Cafe method).
Thanks to quite wide network of organisations, which ERCC is cooperating with, we can also help for foreign institutions to find Lithuanian partners in the sphere of tourism, culture, inclusive education, secondary, VET and higher education, ;
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