Aleksei Ignatev
Feb 5, 2020
Looking for Extra EU Funds
About Me
I'm a project mangemrnt and R&D consultant working for different organozations in the Baltic Sea Region. To the moment I'm working as a coordinator in 4 projecnt for the Museum of the World Ocean in Kaliningrad. I'm interested in new projects and partners for joint projects in the Baltic Sea Region (Tourizm development, Cultural heritage use, etc.
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Ideas in Progress
Cultural heritage
International Project Management
Revitalization of the E70 ;The European waterway E-70 () is an international rivers/channels way from Netherlands (Rotterdam) through Germany, Poland, Russia (the Kaliningrad Region) to Lithuania (Klaipeda). The waterway is actively used in Netherlands, Poland and Germany while it is practically not used in Russia and Lithuania due to some administrative and infrastructure barriers. The situati...
Kaliningrad, Russia
5 years ago
5 years ago
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