Guilherme Bacalhau
Nov 30, 2021
About Me
I am a Business Manager based in Portugal who co-founded an health innovative startup - DCRFuncional - focused on solving social problems.
Right now DCR is working on a consortium to create an inclusive ecossistems to address social isolation in elder people with the participation of social and healthcare entities like senior associations, public and private nursing homes, senior universities, other social innovative startups and local governments.
As of now, we are not following any specific calls. We have an idea and will find out which suits best.
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Ideas in Progress
Social Innovation
Social Affaires and Inclusion
Internet of Things (IoT)
The ideia focuses on gathering public and private social responses to combat elderly social isolation.
The main activities will be:
Promote multidisciplinary preventive actions;
Promote health and digital literacy;
Health monitoring through IoT devices;
Promote participation in society through voluntarial and political initiatives.
Coimbra, Portugal
3 years ago
3 years ago
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